Chapter 1: That Fateful Meeting

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"Hey Kid, wake up, we are almost there now."

Byleth's eyes fluttered open as she was called out a few times by her father.

It seemed like she fell asleep and hadn't even noticed it.

She looked around from where she was sitting and then she remembered everything.

She was sitting in the front seat of the car with her father Jeralt next to her, driving the car, with the car radio on.

She slightly frowned when she remembered why the car was full of boxes.

Today was that day...

The day that she was moving away from her old town, Remire to the main city known as Garreg Mach of the country Fodlan.

She packed up in the early afternoon despite being really tired. Once she was finished, she went to the front seat and must've fallen asleep.

Who knows how long for exactly...

"Looks like you are awake now." Jeralt pointed out.

She nodded and looked outside her window.

It was pouring with rain outside.

She threw out a massive sigh.

She didn't know much about the city at all.

All she knows is that her father got a job in that city so they had no choice but to move there.

That was it... that was all she knew...

"BUNNINGS WAREHOUSE! Lowest prices are just the beginning!" The radio had a jingle.

Jeralt rolled his eyes and tried to switch the radio station.

"These damn ads, I remember when the fool was always yelling out BUNNINGS WAREHOUSE with them everytime it was on ugh..." Jeralt sighed in annoyance.

"The fool" that Jeralt was referring to...Byleth wasn't sure who they were either but apparently they're moving in the same neighbourhood as them.

Jeralt then groaned when he couldn't find an entertaining radio station so he put on the news radio station.

"Now, let's see what's going on today. What'cha got for me?" Jeralt said.

"Upcoming on the news today is that this specific date, March 30th, marks four years since that major train accident tragedy that happened in the Faerghus state which costed seventy eight people's lives and many others injured."

This caught Byleth's attention for some reason...

"This long train ride was on its way to a small village named Duscur in the Faerghus state until a sudden engine failure of some sorts caused the train to fall apart during the journey. Majority of the survivors refuse to have their names and faces shown to the public even to this day."

"The famous Blaiddyd family lost a lot of relatives on that accident too if I recall including Lambert Blaiddyd who was the leader of the most well known company in Faerghus. With the leader's passing, the company collapsed and so it was forced to have a permanent closure as a result."

Jeralt sighed. "Four years ago huh? Damn...I remember when everyone was making a commotion about that whole thing."

Byleth tilted her towards her father. "Commotion?"

Jeralt bit his lip. "Hmm. Well if your curious to know, I'll just say that it was believed by many for a while that the accident wasn't an accident but a murder. However that whole thing fell apart though. Man the news and radios always reported that commotion back then. Anyways, that ain't something you should worry about right now."

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