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Micah knew he was a goner the moment he saw Elias for the first time. He was scared too, so bloody scared. But slowly all his fears were washing away. The two of them were inseparable now. They'd sit next to each other in class and during lunch. Micah would drive him home where he'd stay till it was dark.

Micah's parents were slightly concerned about his lack of attention towards his family and his pack, but they understood how deeply a newly found mate bond pulls you.

"Micah?" His mom called out, as he was about to leave the house for school.

"Yeah?" Micah asked, turning towards his mom.

"Bring Elias over for dinner tonight." She smiled.

"Are you sure? What about dad?" Micah questioned, unsure.

"It was his idea," His mom smiled wider, "It's about time the entire family meets your mate. Jeremiah is leaving tonight too, so the sooner the better."

"I'll ask him," He bit his lip, "Not sure if he'd be able to make it on such a short notice."

"Just ask him." She waved her hand.


The idea of Elias meeting his family made him both excited and nervous. His family meant the world to him, and so did Elias. The thought of combining the two was nerve wrecking. What if his family doesn't like Elias? That was hardly possible considering how lovely his sweet human mate was.

What if Elias doesn't like his family? His mom is nice, but his dad can be extremely intimidating. He's the Alpha, even huge wolves shiver in his presence. His younger sister, Valerie, was a goofball so Micah knew Elias would love her. And since Elias was human, Jeremiah would be okay too.

Micah had a thousand different scenarios running in his head and he didn't even realize when he reached the school. Raphael met him at the parking lot, giving him a concerned look.

"What's got you so worried?" Raph asked.

"Mom asked me to invite Elias over for dinner tonight." He muttered.

"Holy shit, that's great though! It's about time he meets you family." Raph said.

"What if he doesn't like them? My dad's meant to scare the crap out of him. He's double his size and you know how he gets with humans." Micah sighed, as the two entered the school building.

"I think he'll tone it down. He wouldn't want to scare away your mate. Elias is going to be the future Alpha of our pack too." Raph pointed out.

"Can a human even be an Alpha? You think the pack will respect him like they do my father?" Micah frowned.

"I'm sure they will. He's human, so he's not as physically strong as us and can't turn into a wolf but.. but he's smart. Really smart. Remember how he solved the issue with Jared within minutes? He'd make a good Alpha. I know it." Raph kept his hand on Micah's shoulder, trying to reassure him.

"That's if he chooses to be with me." Micah whispered.

"Really?" Raphael laughter, "The guy is head over heels for you."

"You think so?" Micah finally smiled.

"I know so. I can tell by the grin on his face as he's making his way here." Raph smiled as he looked behind Micah's shoulder. Micah immediately turned back, looking at Elias as he walked towards the two wolves.

As soon as Elias reached, Micah pulled him in a long kiss. The two were so engrossed in each other that they didn't even realize when Raphael chuckled and walked out of there, giving the two of them some privacy.

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