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When Elias returned home after being gone for over two days, his mum was in the living room waiting to scold him about disappearing again. But when she saw him walk inside the house, looking completely worn out and lost, she couldn't get a word out. He didn't need to tell her that he had a run in with the organisation. She could see it.

He thought that he'd sleep for three days straight, considering how exhausted he felt, but when he finally got into bed after a much needed long, hot shower, and closed his eyes, he could barely rest. He kept twisting and turning, trying to find a comfortable position but sleep never came. In the end, he just decided to go back to the packhouse.

After he had fell unconscious, Micah carried him to a car and he woke up only a few minutes later. At first, Elias didn't have any memory of what he had done, of how he made an entire building collapse. Even now, he only remembered it in bits and pieces, but the way everyone had been looking at him when they reached the packhouse, he knew it must've been quite the show.

Sebastian wanted to give him a check up too, but he denied saying that the doctor should focus on Daisy and the other wolves that were injured in the fight, including Micah. He said he felt fine, even though his head was a bit heavy but it was nothing that an aspirin couldn't fix.

He stayed outside the infirmary till Sebastian informed that Daisy was out of danger. She was a strong woman, and she managed to survive yet another battle. It was only after that that he felt comfortable enough to go back home.

When Elias walked back into the packhouse property after his failed attempts to catch some sleep back home, he followed the scent of everyone and went to the backyard. It seemed like a meeting had just gotten over as he saw people dispersing.

Some of the shifters froze when they saw Elias. There was a mixed reaction of sorts. Elias felt uncomfortable under all the stares, as he stood with his hands in his pockets. Micah let out a loud growl, which seemed to break people out of their trance. They continued leaving after that, until only Elias, Micah, and his father was left.

"I had to tell them," Micah's father started, "I had no choice but to tell them who you are. I kept secrets from my pack for a long time for the sake of my son, but I couldn't hide it anymore. Not when we just lost three of our own."

"I understand," Elias nodded, "They fear me."

Part of what Elias remembered was how mostly everyone looked at him in fear when he had caused the building to collapse. These were the same stares that he had just received before Micah helped him out right now.

"Rightfully so," Micah's father said, "You are a very powerful werewolf and anyone would be a fool to not fear you. But they will learn to get over it as they get used to you."

"Get used to me?" Elias raised a brow.

"Well, you are my mate, so.." Micah stated.

"The mate of the to-be-Alpha. This pack will be led by two Alphas and you're going to be one of them." Micah's father said.

"Right. Of course." Elias said.

Micah's father looked at his son one last time, before he excused himself and left. Micah and Elias stood alone in the backyard, in an awkward silence for the first time since they had met.

"I wasn't expecting you here for atleast half a day." Micah said.

"Couldn't sleep." Elias shrugged.

"I don't think you've slept in the last two days." Micah furrowed his brows.

"Have you?" Elias questioned back and Micah looked down. He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep either.

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