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Micah felt eyes on him but he didn't care. Even though he hadn't officially announced to his pack who his mate was, it was pretty clear that his mate is Elias. There were quite a few wolves from his pack in his school, even a couple of teachers and all of them had seen both the boys walk in the hallways, hand in hand, and kiss against the lockers.

They must've known that Elias was now a werewolf too, since his scent had changed. He heard whispers in school, and even in the pack house. They would go quiet when he got close enough, but he knew what they were about. Lately he had been feeling like he was drifting away from his pack, and he hated it.

But there was nothing he could do as of now. His priority was his mate's safety, and till his attackers were at large, he couldn't trust anyone.

"What happened?" Elias asked, as he felt Micah's grip on his hand get tighter.

"They all know now." Micah stated, as they both stopped ay Elias' locker.

"They were gonna find out eventually, it's not like we can hide it," Elias sighed, "There's only one thing we need to hide, and luckily they won't know it unless I shift in front of them."

"This is dangerous." Micah said.

"I've been practicing daily, babe, and I'm getting a better grip at my powers. Yesterday I even controlled two things at a time! I can take care of myself."


"No buts. You're there with me too. And when you aren't then Raphael camps outside my house in his bright red car. Don't pretend like you don't have a hand in that." Elias chuckled.

"I just don't want you to be alone," Micah whispered, looking down, "I don't know what I'd do if something were to happen to you."

"Micah.." Elias pressed his lips against Micah's in a soft kiss, "Nothing's going to happen to me. To us. We're going to be okay."

"Okay." Micah hummed, "How are things with your mum now?"

"I don't know," Elias shrugged, looking down, "I feel distant. I don't know how to act in front of her now that the truth is all out. I don't think she knows how to either, she's been picking longer shifts at work now."

"You two are really close, I'm sure you'll figure it out, babe."

"I hope so," Elias paused, "Let's go out tonight."

"Huh?" Micah asked.

"On a date. Let's go out to a restaurant, eat something good. I'm in the mood for sushi, or maybe Indian? Then we can have ice cream, maybe take a long walk after that." Elias smiled.

"I don't think it's a good idea to do that right now." Micah frowned.

"There's never gonna be a better time, Micah. You're picking me up at 7, and then we're going out. Whether you like it or not. Okay?"

"As you wish, my lord." Micah sighed.


Jensen was waiting for Elias outside his Biology class. He pulled the newly turned werewolf aside as soon as he exited. Elias was startled, but rolled his eyes with a smile when he noticed that it was Jensen.

"You look awfully happy for someone that almost died recently." Stated Jensen.

"Ah," Elias shrugged, "Was that recent? Feels like a lifetime ago."

"Come on," Jensen chuckled, "What's got you in such a good mood?"

"I have a date planned with Micah tonight," Elias smiled, "With the kind of shit that's been happening recently, I need a night out."

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