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Micah watched Raphael and Jensen from a distance. They were at the other end of the cafeteria, whispering and talking about God knows what. Elias kept his hand on top of Micah's to calm him, and it worked. His jaw unclenched and he sighed.

It was clear that they were having some sort of a disagreement. Raphael was moving his hands in every direction as he spoke, something he did whenever he was frustrated and wanted to make a point. Whereas Jensen was leaning against the wall, his arms folded in front of his chest as he stared at the future beta, looking equally annoyed.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Elias asked.

"I have no clue, but I'm done with their bullshit. Raphael and I have never kept any secrets from each other," Micah grunted, "I don't know why he would start keeping things from me now. That too with Jensen?"

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with Jensen, he's one of my good friends." Elias pouted.

"Yeah, yeah, I know you guys are close and all," Micah rolled his eyes, "But I still don't like this. Not at all."

"I know, babe," Elias said, "Neither do I, but whatever it is, I'm sure they'll tell us when the time is right."

"Nope. Not waiting for that." Micah shook his head before he got up. He walked with determination towards the two bickering wolves. Elias groaned before following his impatient mate.

Raphael and Jensen stopped discussing whatever they were talking about as soon as they noticed the young lovers coming towards them. That only made Micah more suspicious. Elias bit his lower lip, he hated drama and he was certain that something or the other was going to happen.

"Don't mind me," Micah fake smiled, "Go on, we're all friends here."

"What are you talking about?" Raphael asked, a little confused and Jensen just rolled his eyes.

"What am I talking about? Me? Nothing! Absolutely nothing because you refuse to tell me what's going on!" Micah exclaimed.

"Micah, I already told you that it's nothing-" Raphael was cut off by Jensen scoffing.

"Nothing? I'm pretty sure it's something. More than that, even." Jensen said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Elias finally spoke up.

"Jensen. Don't. Not yet." Raphael warned.

"Dude, we cannot keep it from them any longer! They deserve to know. Plus, the longer we keep it a secret from them, the riskier it is for Eli." Jensen tried to reason.

"Wait- what? If it's something that potentially puts Elias in danger then you need to tell me. I don't care what it is," Micah paused, he looked at the torn expression on Raphael's face before continuing, "He's my mate, Raphael. Please, just tell me. I hate that you're keeping secrets from me, you're my best friend and my beta. On top of that they are secrets that can harm my mate? You can't do that to me. You just can't."

"Fine," Raphael said, taking a deep breath, "Let's meet up at Jensen's place after school. We'll tell you everything then."


The last period couldn't end soon enough, Micah was growing more and more anxious as every second passed. He knew why Raphael and Jensen were spending so much time together. It was to investigate who had attacked Elias.

Their conversation earlier had proven that this was related to Elias' safety, and now his mind was working full speed, thinking up different scenarios and reasons why Raphael was hesitant to tell Micah, his best friend and soon to be Alpha, what was going on.

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