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Elias wore the nicest button up that he had. It was a gift from Kyle on his seventeenth birthday and he was surprised that it still fit. He had grown a lot of muscle since then, and even grew a couple of inches taller.

He unbuttoned the top three buttons of his olive green shirt, and wore black pants. He even tried to style his hair a bit, wanting to look good for Micah.

Micah didn't know why but he was feeling extremely nervous. He had nothing to worry about, there were no secrets left between the two boys, and Elias had also accepted Micah as his mate, but his palms were still sweating as he knocked on Elias' door.

As Elias opened the door, both the boys paused for a minute, they took in each other's appearance, and as much as Elias wanted to go ahead with the night he had planned, half of his heart just wanted to rip Micah's clothes right there and then. The expression on Micah's face proved that he was having the same thoughts.

Elias walked out the door, closing it behind him without breaking eye contact with Micah. He smiled softly, as he pressed a kiss against Micah's lips, before taking his hand and pulling him towards the car. Elias opened the driver's door for Micah, and the boy chuckled.

"Isn't it the driver that is supposed to open the door for the passenger?" Micah laughed.

"There's literally nothing conventional about us, babe." Elias grinned, closing the door after Micah got in before walking to the passenger seat and getting inside the car himself.

The two boys listened to the radio in comfortable silence as Micah drove them to the restaurant that Elias had chosen. It took them about fifteen minutes to reach their destination, and both of them were ecstatic to have a nice night out.

It was a small, family restaurant but Elias still made reservations in advance, not wanting to take any risks. They both settled in their table, and placed their orders. The dinner went well, they ate happily while talking about anything and everything that was on their minds.

Elias spoke a lot about his life back in England, about the friends he made at all the different towns he lived in, about his favourite teachers, and surprisingly he also talked about his late mom, Tessa. Micah was a little shocked because Elias almost never talked about her, and whenever he did it was from a sad place, but today he was talking about her with a smile on his face.

Elias kept forgetting about his meal as he kept on talking, and Micah made sure to remind him from time to time that he had food in front of him. Eventually he gave up, and started feeding the other boy himself.

After dinner, the two boys decided to walk instead of driving to the ice cream parlour. It was a short walk, and they held hands as they reached the place. Elias decided on an ice cream sundae as Micah ordered a milkshake.

The two boys sat in a booth, next to each other, wanting to be as close as possible. Elias took out his earphones, they both had one bud in each ear, as they listened to Elias' favourite tracks and ate dessert in silence.

Elias kept his hand on Micah's thigh, and suddenly Micah could neither focus on his milkshake nor the music playing in his year, but the warmth of Elias' hand on his body. They both shifted a little closer subconsciously.

After they were done, they walked back to the restaurant and got in Micah's car. They sang along the top 100 pop songs that were playing on radio, both in equally off tuned voices. Overall, the night was a success and the two couldn't be happier.

"Do you wanna come in?" Elias asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt. Micah nodded, none of them wanted to be apart from each other so soon after such an amazing date.

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