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"Did you find him?" Micah yelled in his phone.

"No, not yet. I called Jensen, he's looking for Elias too. So are Kat and Dom, they went to the forest. I'm sure we'll find him, Micah―"

Micah didn't let Raphael finish and hung up. His abdomen was still hurting like crazy, so he could only imagine the type of pain Elias must be in. He had already checked his house, it was just Eli's mom there, and no one else.

His parents were helping him look for his mate too, trying to search all possible places but to no avail. Micah was freaking out. His heart was beating so fast, he felt like it would jump out of his chest any time. His head had started throbbing, and he couldn't think straight anymore.

The only thing he knew was that he was going to kill whoever hurt his baby.

He was currently at the school, checking out one place after the other but there was still no sign of Elias. He punched the nearest wall when he couldn't find a single clue. He was about to punch it again when his phone rang.

"What?" He yelled, not even bothering to check who had called him.

"I found him," It was Jensen, "The alley next to Pete's Diner. Micah― Micah he's hurt really badly. There's so much blood.. I don't know what to do. I can't―"

"I'm coming. Keep him alive, Jensen. Please."

Micah rushed to his car, driving way past speed limit. He called his parents, who were with the pack doctor, already on their way. Luckily, they were closer to Elias than Micah was.

As soon as Micah reached the location, his heart broke. Elias was lying there, a huge knife in his abdomen, the same area where Micah was feeling the pain. There was blood all around, and he could hear his heart beat slowing.

Sebastian, the pack doctor was checking Elias out. Micah rushed to Elias' side, he didn't even realize he had started crying till his mom bent down beside him and wiped his face.

"Micah." Sebastian said.

"What?" Micah questioned.

"He's badly injured, really badly," Sebastian sighed, "He has already lost too much blood, if I remove the knife or if we move him, then he's going to lose more. He won't survive. Even if we call an ambulance, it'll be too late."

"What are you saying? I can't― I can't lose him. You need to do something!" Micah yelled.

"There's one thing we can do." Sebastian said.

"What is it, Dr. Gates?" Micah's father asked.

"We can bite him―"

"I'm not going to risk that! No way!" Micah said in disbelief.

"It's the only way! Listen to me, Micah. He's not going to make it. If we bite him, there's a possibility he might have a dormant gene. If he does, then his healing will be much faster. He doesn't even stand a chance if we don't do this."

"Micah, sweetie, I think he's right." Micah's mom whispered. Micah bit his lip, looking up at his dad who nodded at him. His gaze fell on Jensen, who was in tears himself.

"I can do it, if you want." Micah's dad said.

"No. I'll do it." Micah answered, wiping away his leftover tears. He looked down at Elias, his mate on the verge of death. This was his only chance to save him, and he had to be the one to do it.

His mom and Sebastian got up and backed away, giving Micah some space. Micah bent down, and pressed a kiss on Elias' forehead.

"I love you." He whispered, before forcing his fangs to come out.

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