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"What the fuck is Jared doing here? It's been years and he's still hell bent on taking revenge?" Micah yelled, Raphael tried to calm him down by keeping his hand on Micah's shoulder, but the soon to be Alpha shrugged it off roughly.

"Of course he is. Both of us were humiliated and kicked out of the pack for something that wasn't honestly anybody's fault. How was it my brother's fault that they were attacked by rogues? Even if it was, it was as much of Jeremiah's fault for wanting to visit our old home anyway. My brother didn't force him to go there." Jensen glared at Micah.

"Guys, all this doesn't matter. How did Jared even know Jer was in town?" Raphael asked, the only calm one present.

"Who knows?" Jensen shrugged, "Maybe someone from your pack told-"

"No one," Micah cut him off angrily, "No one from my pack is a fucking snitch! They all hate Jared's guts as much as I do. How do we know that you didn't tell him, huh?"

"Wow," Jensen scoffed, "You really think I would put my brother in harm's way? Especially after he found his mate and is finally happy?"

"Listen here you little shit," Micah's eyes were now glowing red, "I don't care how your brother found out or what his plans are. But if he tries to as much as hurt a single hair on Jeremiah's body, then I will put him down the only way I know how to."

"Touch my brother and I will-"

"What? Run off to my mate and tell him the truth? You know what? Feel free to. You can't keep blackmailing me forever. I need to tell Elias the truth anyway, the sooner the better." Micah was bluffing, but by the look on Jensen's face, he knew it worked.

Jensen looked tense, like his trump card was suddenly snatched from him. He glared at Micah, that was all he could do before he got in his car and left. Micah let out an annoyed sigh. He really didn't know how he would handle Elias getting to know the truth through someone else. Especially someone like Jensen that would probably twist and turn the words to suit himself.

Micah had always been a little bit relieved. He knew that even though Jensen only befriended Elias in order to have an advantage over Micah, he didn't wish for the human boy to be hurt. So he knew, since they had become friends no matter under what circumstances, that atleast Jensen wouldn't hurt him physically. He wouldn't stoop that low.

But with his brother being back in the picture, Micah wasn't sure anymore.

"Keep an eye out on Jensen, try to keep him away from Elias." Micah told Raphael, who nodded.

"Maybe you should tell the rest of the pack? Even though he's human and some might not understand that, I'm sure they'll still protect him. He's their Alpha's mate." Raphael said.

"Soon to be Alpha," Micah corrected, "I'm not going to tell the pack before I tell Elias. I need to.. I need to know that he's okay with all this."

"I hope you know what you're doing." With that Raphael left as well.

"I hope so too." Micah whispered.


Elias watched Dom carefully as the two of them sat in the library. They had an essay to submit in the next period which both of them had so carelessly forgotten about. Hence why they were spending their lunch break researching about World War I rather than eating tacos in the canteen.

Elias wasn't exactly sure whether Micah would be okay with him telling others that he knew of werewolves. Micah hadn't told him to keep it a secret. And Elias knew that no other human would believe him. But would it be okay for him to tell his friends that he knew their secret?

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