XXX ~ The End

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Elias had made up his mind, and he knew that if he waited even a single day then he may not end up doing what he had planned. So, he left the infirmary and rushed back home. He didn't even bother to stop and talk to the people that greeted him, he just walked past them like they were invisible.

He was glad that his mum wasn't home when he got there. She had taken a few days off from work to be with her son, but Elias was barely home. So eventually, she went back to office. He went to his room, and opened the closet to look for a bag. He found a decent sized duffle bag, and he immediately started packing up all the necessary items.

He was so lost in his packing, that he didn't even notice someone was in the house until the door of his room opened. He whipped his head towards the door, and looked at the boy standing there with wide eyes.

"What are you doing?" Jensen asked, raising his brow.

"Packing." Elias answered.

"Why?" Jensen enquired further, "Wait, are you going to stay at the packhouse?"

"Yeah," Elias felt relieved internally, as the lie rolled out of his tongue smoothly, "Yeah, I thought I'll spend a few days at Micah's place."

"Oh, that's great. I was going to head there now anyway. The Alpha wants to initiate me this weekend. I'll wait for you to finish packing and we'll drive together." Jensen smiled.

"No, you should go. I'm going to wait till my mum gets back. Need to say bye to her and all, you know? She'll be mad if I don't. I'll ask Micah to pick me up or I'll walk." Elias lied again.

"Okay, cool," Jensen nodded, "I'll just see you later then."

"Yeah," Elias paused, "Later."

"Bye, bud." Jensen turned to leave the room but Elias stopped him.

"Thank you for everything, Jensen. If it hadn't been for you then we wouldn't have made it out of the building alive. I owe you." Elias said sincerely.

"You don't owe me anything, Eli. What are friends for?" Jensen smiled, "Don't start getting cheesy on me now, save that for your mate."

Elias chuckled as he nodded. Jensen waved a bye before he left the room. Elias sat on his bed, waiting till he heard the sound of Jensen's car driving away, before he grabbed his bag and left the house.


Micah yawned as he climbed down the stairs. He had just gotten up from an afternoon nap, and was now heading to the living room. He greeted his father and the few other werewolves there, including Raphael and Jensen.

"So, gonna live together now, huh?" Jensen grinned. Micah looked at him with a confused expression, having absolutely no clue as to what Jensen was referring to, "You and Elias?"

"What are you trying to say?" Micah asked.

"Elias is coming to live here with you," Jensen paused, "Right?"

"Huh? No? I mean- we haven't had any conversation about that, atleast. Why would he come live with me here?" Micah furrowed his brows as Jensen's smile fell.

"I went to his house before coming here and he.. he was packing. He told me he was coming here to stay with you for a while. I offered to drive him but he denied saying he had to say bye to his mom. He said he'll call you to pick him up." Jensen explained.

Micah took out his phone from his pocket, but he had no calls or texts from Elias. He tried calling him, but it went straight to voicemail.

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