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Lisa sighed softly as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand and she stared at the board in front of her, watching Mr Kwon continuously ramble about the parts of the fetal pig they were going to dissect soon.

Lisa didn't really care about it. She wouldn't be doing it if it wasn't worth 50% of the final exam and she was barely keeping the C in this class in general.

The blonde then noticed Jennie a few seats away from her, she wore glasses which was a little shock to Lisa since she had never seen her wear them. But if she was being honest, she never really did pay any attention to Jennie before the bet was made.

She watched the smaller girl continue to take notes, her bottom lip tucked in between her teeth as she wrote.

Jennie was pretty.

Especially when her baby hair was pressed against her forehead and her dumpling-like cheeks were showing even when she wasn't smiling.

Lisa bit her lip when Jennie sensed her staring, a shy smile made its way to the brunette's lips as she glanced at Lisa before turning back to the instructor.

Lisa sighed softly as she looked out the small window at the door, a small chuckle leaving her lips when seeing Jisoo outside the door, sticking out her middle finger like a mad man.

Lisa then noticed how she held up her hand, pointing at all five fingers while mouthing '5 days'.

5 days.


"So you're walking me home now?" Jennie rose an eyebrow as she played with the straps of her backpack.

Lisa hummed and nodded her head. "Yeah, you don't live that far away from my place anyways."

Jennie nodded and continued walking. She didn't really know how to start a conversation with the blonde. Lisa was just something else.

"So, tell me about yourself." Lisa smiled as she softly nudged Jennie.

Jennie playfully rolled her eyes. "Well, what do you want to know? You can't just ask that broad question ."

Lisa playfully rolled her eyes. "Got any siblings?"


"Oh my god, you're so lucky. I have two annoying sisters."

Jennie smiled slightly. "People always say being an only child must mean I'm so lucky, but not really. It gets kind of lonely, especially when seeing people actually bond with their siblings and talk about them. They also think I'd be spoiled, I'm definitely not. My mom pays more attention to her boyfriend than me anyways."

"I'm sorry about that." Lisa frowned slightly.

"Don't apologize for that." Jennie offered Lisa a small smile. And that's when she realized maybe that was the reason why she was already getting so close to Lisa. She never really had anyone that showed they cared for her, well, other than Rosie, but this was a different kind of care.

It was a different kind of attention and Jennie just loved it. It made her feel special.

Jennie stopped walking when they got to the driveway, a small frown on her lips when seeing her Mom's car wasn't there. "Great."

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing, my mom just isn't home and I really don't know when she'll be back."

"Need some company?" Lisa smiled and gently poked Jennie's side making the smaller girl giggle softly and smile as well.

"You want to stay?"

"Definitely. I like being around you."

Jennie felt her cheeks heat up and her stomach flutter before she nodded and walked to the door, leading Lisa inside.


Making out with Lisa on her bed wasn't something Jennie expected, but there she was gripping the material of Lisa's shirt as her lips moved against Lisa's.

Jennie blushed when feeling Lisa move her hands down her sides. The smaller girl quickly pulled away and panted softly as she set her hands flat on Lisa's chest. "Um, wow."

Lisa chuckled softly. "Wow?"

Jennie blushed in embarrassment as she sat upright. "I wasn't really expecting you to kiss me."

"I like kissing you." Which wasn't a lie, surprising. Lisa genuinely liked how soft Jennie's plump lips were.

Jennie smiled shyly. "I like kissing you too."

Lisa noticed how Jennie was fixing her shirt, seeming a little uncomfortable so she decided not to push her further than what they had just done.

"Um, have you ever been with someone?"

Jennie blushed slightly. "As in a relationship? No. No one really likes me."

Lisa rose an eyebrow. "Well, I like you. I made it clear already."

Jennie giggled softly and felt a little confident as she pecked Lisa's lips. "I can tell."

Lisa was a little shocked that Jennie gave her a little kiss, smiling when realizing Jennie was finally letting her in.

She was doing great and had now 4 days to really get down to business now that today was out the window.

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