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Lisa bit her lip as she hesitantly knocked on Jennie's front door. It was a little stupid that the blonde decided to show up unannounced, but she wanted to walk Jennie to school.

After a small pause, the door opened and Lisa was greeted by Jennie who looked up at the blonde in surprise. "What are you doing here? Not that I'm kicking you out or something. I just want to know why you're here so randomly."

Lisa chuckled softly at this, smiling as she rubbed the back of her neck softly. "I just was hoping we can maybe walk to school together? Cause we're kinda dating? Right? Cause we've been on a date? Is dating different than being in a relationship, or are they the same thing? I think dating is like seeing each other— not sexually! Of course! I would ne—" "Lisa, shut up."

Lisa blushed slightly and nodded her head. "Yeah."

"I guess we're kinda dating?" Jennie smiled slightly. "We're not official but we have been on one date. I'm not counting the first one."

"Good. That definitely wasn't a date I'd want you to remember."

Jennie nodded and grabbed her bag, raising an eyebrow when Lisa grabbed it and slung it over her shoulder. "Um, what are you doing?"

"Carrying your bag." Lisa hummed before she walked down the small steps of Jennie's house, glancing over at the smaller girl as she waited for her to follow.

"Why? I can do that myself." Jennie wore a small pout on her lips as she walked down the steps, making her way over to Lisa.

"I know you can, I just want to." Lisa smiled brightly and grabbed Jennie's hand. "Is this okay? Do like, asexuals hold hands?"

Jennie snorted and rolled her eyes. "Yes, Asexual people hold hands. I don't like anything sexual, okay. I don't want to do anything sexual. And last time I checked, holding hands wasn't sexual."

"Just making sure, I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything." Lisa smiled slightly, her thumb softly brushing against Jennie's knuckles.

Jennie smiled and intertwined their fingers, giggling softly when Lisa smiled brightly and continued walking.


"Lisa, shut up." Jennie whisper-shouted as she glared at the blonde who smiled innocently from her desk.

"Hey, I'm more important than the anatomy of the human body."

"I literally want to pass, Lisa. I need this." Jennie playfully rolled her eyes and continued taking notes, squinting slightly as she tried to make out the words on the board.

"Parietal Pericardium, Visceral Pericardium, Atria, Ventricles, and Pericardial Fluid." Lisa hummed as she pointed at the little diagram that Jennie was filling out. "Do you need glasses?"

"Yeah, I have glasses, but I left them at home." Jennie shrugged slightly. "I also have some contacts that I usually use since glasses are annoying, but I kinda forgot to put them on this morning."

Lisa playfully shook her head and moved her chair over to Jennie's, draping an arm over the back of the smaller girl's chair. "Guess I'm your eyes for today."

Jennie smiled slightly, a small blush on her cheeks when feeling Lisa's fingers softly rub her shoulder as she continued taking down notes.


"Manobal!" Jisoo smiled brightly as she stood up from where she was sitting and waved the blonde over.

Lisa rolled her eyes but it didn't stop the smile on her lips as she made her way over to her small group. "What do you want?"

"What? Get a girlfriend and suddenly forget about your best friends?" Jisoo pouted, Irene sighing dramatically as she leaned her head on Jisoo's shoulder.

Lisa rolled her eyes and smiled slightly. "Jennie isn't my girlfriend, at least not yet. But no I'm not gonna forget about you idiots."

Jisoo chuckled softly and smiled. "Aren't you gonna invite her over here?" Jisoo hummed as she motioned to Jennie who was sitting down with Rosie.

"Should I? I mean, she seems alright with Rosie? I don't want to like make her come over here and take her away from Rosie?"

"You're overthinking. Stop it." Irene rolled her eyes. "Or go over there? Get close to Rosie too."

"She's not my type and I like Jen—" "As friends, dumbass."

"Oh." Lisa blushed slightly and nodded her head. "Yeah, I understood that. I'm gonna try and be friends with Rosie."

"Good luck." Jisoo smiled. "Don't fuck up and die alone!"

Lisa rolled her eyes and made her way over to Rosie and Jennie's table, smiling slightly. "Um hey, can I sit with you guys?"

Rosie rose an eyebrow as she looked over at Lisa before looking back over at Jennie. "Are you two a thing?"

Jennie blushed and shrugged her shoulders slightly. "Kinda?"

Lisa chuckled softly and took a seat next to Jennie, wrapping an arm around her. "Yeah, we're getting there."

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