11 - Celebration!

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When people say the happiest memories came from the years one is in highschool, I really can't fully agree. Maybe because I feel like an outcast ever since first year. Or because nothing out of the ordinary has happened in the years that I have stayed in MIS.

Well, not until now.

I think... something--just a bit--has changed for me. I don't know. I can't explain it. It's a strange feeling of belongingness as I walk to Mara's house with these two.

"Have you been fighting again?" Kiko asked his twin who's walking beside him. I'm behind them, quietly listening to their bickering since we rode the taxi a while ago. They almost hit each other when neither don't want to sit near the driver. Such a simple thing, and they wanted to end their lives.

"Of course, my life is not as boring as yours," Koki answered airily, as if being a thug is something to be proud of.

"Aren't you going to grow up?" Kiko retorted.

His twin snorted. "I'm taller than you, Kiko."

"Can't you understand figurative language?"

Koki snapped but before he can throw his tantrums here in the middle of the street, I forced myself between them.

"Stop, will you? Both of you!" I glared at them. "We're here." I looked up at the two-storey contemporary style house, with its white and oak brown paint screaming of luxury. "Wow. I never knew Mara is this rich..."

"Tss." Koki looked at his wristwatch. "Aren't we going in? It's hot here."

"Alright!" I said as I approach the gate.

"Chabellina? Kiko? Hey!"

I turned and saw Ganymede and Janeth.

"Hello! Ahm.. are the others here already?'' I asked. Janeth caught my eyes and she smiled a bit. I noticed Kiko watching us. "Er... How are you?"

"Oh, I am fine! I'm excited actually. Basically, it's our class's first get together outside school!" Ganymede said happily. She rang the doorbell. "Mara said everything's ready."

After a while, a maid opened the gate. "Good afternoon, Ms. Mara asked me to fetch you. She's busy in the kitchen. This way please." She led the way in.

"Hey, Chabellina, wait," Janeth held my left arm. "Can we talk for a while?"

The other three looked curiously at us. I smiled at them. "We're going after you."

And they entered.

Janeth held my hands, her eyes shining with worry. "I didn't sleep well because... because of what happened."

I gripped her hands. "Don't worry, Sir Gacayan said they're going to investigate what happened. We'll find the culprit soon."

She shook her head. "No, I don't think we must... we must insist on this. I mean, we were not hurt. And... And..."

I frowned. "Janeth, are you..."

She looked down, tears fell from her eyes. She hastily wiped them, "Sorry. I was just... I am just worried that whoever had done that horrible thing might come after us if we insist on investigating what happened. I'm scared of what that person can do.."

I held her shoulders, "Janeth, don't worry. The reason why they want to investigate it is that this p-pranking must stop. Whoever had done it must be punished so they can't do it to anyone again."


"Nothing will happen. Okay?" I assured her.

"Okay." She smiled. "Sorry for troubling you. And thank you."

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