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It took me two hours to clean the house. I worked top speed, and in Koki's room, I just removed the trash and folded the sheets. Let him do the rest, it's his room anyway.

I looked at the time, it's already 8:30. I'm really doomed. Well, there will be no classes today because of the visitation so it will be fine if I'm a bit late. I should just be careful not to let Mom know about it.

I went to the last room I haven't entered yet. When I opened the door, I can't help but be amazed.

"Nice." I said as I close the door behind me.

Kiko's room is a loooot tidier than the rest of the house. His things are organized, and his bedsheet is tucked in neatly. I swept the floor a little, then my attention was caught by his study table.

There are four books on his table-- I leaned down to read the titles. The Tender Bar. The Nazi Officer's Wife. Wow, he's reading memoirs? A Guide to Greek Mythology. Wait, what is this? Cockroaches? He's reading about cockroaches?!

I laughed. I didn't know Kiko's taste in books is this. I dusted the table, though there's no need because he obviously keeps his room tidy. Why can't he nag his twin brother to do the same?

I was about to turn my back when I saw a piece of paper lying out of place on the tidy table. I picked it up and saw the very same symbols engraved on the necklace, except that there are no dots and bars. Just the letters.

I turned the paper over and saw Kiko's writing at the back.

Leda - (Gk. Myth.) Aetolian princess seduced by Zeus in form of a swan

Frowning, I reread what's written but got no clue. I took my phone and searched about Leda. And there I saw the symbols exactly like that one on the necklace.

"So it meant Leda..." I said to myself. I put the paper back onto the table and went out.

Just as I close the door, Koki emerges from the bathroom. He is already wearing his PE uniform.

"When did you come back?" I wondered because I didn't see him return.

He was drying his hair with the towel and went to sit on the sofa. "A while ago, when you were cursing the plates on the sink."

I grimaced. So he saw me talking to the plates and calling their owners lazy dumb*sses.

"Let's go," he said after a while.

"The towel. Put that on the rack over there," I insisted. He smirked and obeyed.

"Because you helped me," he said and I rolled my eyes, "I owe you one favor. What do you want?"

I laughed mirthlessly. "A red corvette."

He nodded. "That's all?"

I stopped laughing. He looks serious. "Would you buy me a corvette?"

"Don't challenge me, Rose. You don't know what I'm capable of," he said airily as he walk to the door.

I followed him, clearly wanting to laugh. "Yeah, right. You can buy the world," I said with sarcasm.

"I'm serious, Rose. What do you want in return?"

We got out of the house. "How will we get to the school?" He doesn't even have his bag, oh well. He left it in our room yesterday.

A car stopped in front of us. Koki opened the back door and went in. "Aren't you coming? Or do you want to go to school by yourself?"

I gave him a glare before getting inside. What a gentleman!

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