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Like what Janeth had said, our adviser did not speak about the rat incident last week. But he did give us a warning that, if serious and troubling pranks happened again, the punishment will be suspension and not being able to join the graduation rites. Before recess during the morning, Mara read to us the policy on bullying, and made us sign an agreement not to involve in such acts. Sir Gacayan also assured us that they are investigating the incident, and would not stop until the offender is caught.

By lunch time, everyone is talking about the announcement. It was the topic in the canteen while people fall in line to buy food.

"I know why they had implemented stricter measures against pranking," a tall sixth year in pigtails said to her friends who huddled to hear her better. "Someone was pranked again last Friday."

I stared at my food tray. Did she know?

"...It was a seventh year student."

"Really? Who?"

"Don't know exactly. But my cousin said he saw a girl crying last Friday. She was running from the rooftop."

I looked up at her.

"What section?"

"Why was she crying?"

"Sssh! It's top secret okay? My cousin didn't know the girl. But he said she looks pale and sick."

They murmured some things like threats and cheating.

Now I wonder who that girl is. Because I know she's the one I saw on the rooftop  last Friday... The same person Kiko had seen who was trying to jump.

Who was she? If she's a seventh year, chances are, it would be easier for me to know her.

But is she related to the pranking incidents? If yes, why did she commit such gruesome things?

"Are you going to buy or not?!" The guy next to me snapped.

"I'm sorry! Sorry!" I moved forward as quickly as possible before the others got mad at me.


I searched for the voice and saw Janeth waving her hand. She's sitting alone at the table farthest from the door. I walked to her.

"Why are you eating alone?" I asked as I settle on the chair opposite her. "Where are Nicole and the others?"

"They're not eating lunch," she said resentfully. But she smiled afterwards. "How about your buddies?"

"Er.. what buddies?"

"The twins. Aren't you three close?"

I laughed. "It's the second time I have heard that. But we're not close."

She frowned. "Really? It's not what I see."

"Well, whatever you're seeing is not what it is, Janeth. We're just seatmates," I said. "I just happen to understand them."

"Oh, okay.." Janeth ate.

I don't know but I kinda felt sad with what I told her. I brushed away that feeling and focused on my food.

"By the way," Janeth's voice dropped to a whisper, "people are talking about the announcement this morning. Do you think they know?"

I shook my head. "No, I don't think so."

"Really? That's a relief." She continued to eat.

I smiled. Janeth seems happy today. I'm relieved that she's now okay after what happened.

We talked a bit while eating, then went back to our room together. Janeth apparently is very talkative, but in a cute way. She has so many comments about what is happening around her. And she seems to know so many students.

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