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It might be because Mara and I are going to talk about something that I arrived at school earlier than usual. There are very few students along the corridors to our building, and when I arrived at our room, nobody is inside yet.

I sat down my chair and waited for Mara.

I took my phone and decided to play Candy Crush to pass time. I love candies that's why I play this.

I was busy thinking my next move when my phone vibrated and Mara's message notification popped up. I clicked immediately to open.

[I can't go to class today]


I stood and I dialed her number. After a few rings, she answered. "Mara, where are you?"

"At home. I... I am not feeling well so I will absent today," she said, her voice sounding hoarse.

"Is that so? Well, I'll go to you." I answered then she ended the call. I looked at my watch. I still have one and a half hour 'til first period so I heaved my bag up my bag and run out. On my way, I saw Leila.

"Rose!" she held me by the arm to stop me, "Have you heard about Janeth?"

"I..." I glanced at my watch. If Kiko or Koki sees me, I'm sure they will prevent me from going to Mara. So I smiled unsurely at Leila and said, "I haven't heard it yet. I'll get going, emergency. Bye!" I ran before she can ask more questions.

Since I have been to Mara's home before, I arrived there fast. I rang the doorbell just once and she came to open the gate. She hugged me upon entering.

"Hey, it's alright," I patted her back.

"I saw what happened! I saw her fell to the ground..." Mara sobbed. "I can't tell it to my mom because she might get angry... I really don't know what to do... I'm scared, Rose!"

"Shhh Don't worry, everything will be fine." I assured her.

"No! I know it will not be fine!" she shouted as she move away from me.

Seeing her now, she's not like the authoritative, cool class rep that I know. All I can see now is fear and panic in her tear-stricken face.

"Mara..." I mumbled, and I reached out for her hand.

She shook her head and cried more. "I don't know what to do..."

It's clear that she's in shock. I put an arm around her shoulder and led her back to their house. "Let's get inside."

She nodded then allowed me to bring her in. It seems no one is at home apart from her. I led her to the sofa, went to the kitchen and brought a glass of water.

After she drank, she held my hands. She seemed to have calmed down a bit, but her face is still wet with tears.

"Thank you for coming," she said in a low voice. I felt her hands are shaking. "Rose... I have... I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" my heart is starting to beat faster. I swallowed the tension that is building up in my throat.

Mara moved nearer, she seemed hesitant, as if she's afraid of what she will say.

"It's alright," I assured her once again and squeezed her hands.

Mara breathed deeply then closed her eyes. She nodded, opened them and took something from her pocket.

A phone. Its screen is cracked.

I stared at the phone. Then I took it from her. I double tapped the screen and a smiling face registered on the lockscreen. Eyes wide, I looked at Mara. "It's Janeth's?"

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