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Koki Avila's POV (AT LAAAST)

Fifteen minutes to 8:00am. I checked my phone but no new messages. I glanced at Rose's seat. Now where the hell is she? It's already late, isn't she coming?

In annoyance, I kicked the chair in front of me. The girl with curly hair looked at me and frowned, but when I glared at her, she turned her back and decided ignoring me is her best option. Tsh. This is why I really like Rose. She is the only one who can put up with me. Mind you, she's the only girl who had ever glared at and raised her voice to me. I imagined her annoyed face and I wanted to laugh, but I'll look stupid so I decided not.

I looked out the window. The sky looks like it would rain later. I tapped lazily on my desk. Shall I ditch this day and go home? There's no good staying here without Rose.

"Guys, I'll be the one checking the attendance today," the girl who is always with our class rep stood in front. She started checking something on her notebook. "We have four absentees? No, five..."

Everybody looked around. There are 5 vacant seats today.

"Wow, that's a first time we have these many MIAs," a guy reacted with a laughter. I really wanted to smack him on the head--he doesn't have an idea what my brother is currently doing. Actually, I could have gone with Kiko, I just chose not too, because first he told me I don't have patience and second I must stay with Rose (which I prefer).

I was glaring at his direction and the girl beside him nudged him. He looked at me (I raised an eyebrow) and he went pale.

"Why is Mara absent, Ganymede?"

So she's Ganymede. Wth. She got a guy's name?

"She's sick." Ganymede looked at me. "And where's Kiko?"

"Tss." I looked out the window again. I guess I should go. I was about to take my bag when the two girls in front of me started talking.

"--Rose was here this morning," the curly girl told her seatmate.

I grabbed her chair and pulled her towards me. She and her friend shouted in shock. "What did you say?!"

I saw her turned pale. "I-I.. W-which one?"

"About Rose!"

"Koki, will you calm down!" someone said but I ignored them.

"S-She--she was here this morning..." she said in shaking voice but I don't care. "B-But she l-left.."

"Where did she go?"

"I-I don't know--"

"SHT." I took my bag and went out.

Now where the hell is she?

I was just a few steps from our room when I remembered something.

Kiko's voice echoed inside my mind. "Watch out for Lance, we are not yet sure about him."

I turned back, hurried to the door and opened it with much force, making my classmates seated in front frightened. I approached Ganymede who was rooted to her feet and grabbed the notebook she's holding. I scanned the names and my eyes fell on the second X on the boys' list. Lance is absent.

"FVCK." I thrust the notebook back at her and dashed outside.

I ran to the nearest gate, and was held back by the guard.

"It's already time--"

"SHUT UP AND LET ME OUT IF YOU STILL WANT YOUR JOB!" I pushed him back and ran out. I heard them calling my name but I was able to stop an oncoming taxi. I immediately got inside. Anything just to get away from here.

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