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I woke up the next day feeling a lot better than when I had slept last night. Mom had fussed for about two hours when I arrived yesterday, and insisted I must bring home-prepared snacks and lunch starting today. I didn't argue, because that will only lead to more nagging. And besides, she will force me to bring the food anyway.

"Now, I want you to text me if you feel stuffy again." Mom said for what I think is the twenty-first time.

"Yes," I murmured. I speared a hotdog using my fork and looked resentfully at the greens I would have for recess.

"And, if you will buy any food from the canteen, what should you do?" Mom raised an eyebrow.

"Mom, we've been through this--"

"What should you do?" she repeated, now with both eyebrows raised.

I sighed. "Read the ingredients, and if it is cooked or prepared, ask the canteen crew if there is sesame oil in it."

"Very good," Mom zipped the lunch bag and placed it near my bag.

As I contemplate on whether I should intentionally forget my lunch bag, the gate had opened and the voice I am so missing had boomed into our house.

"I'm hoooome!"

I dropped my fork and ran to the living room. "Daaaaad!"

"My cutie pie!" He embraced me tightly.

"I missed you Dad!"

Mom came rushing from the kitchen and hugged him too, "William! Oh! Are you staying?"

"Yes. I'll stay until next Monday." He led us to the dining area. "What's for breakfast?"

"Just fried rice and eggs, hotdogs... You should have told me you're coming home," Mom said as she sets him his plate and we sat together. Dad looks tired and I think he had lost a bit weight.

"Dad, why are you staying? Are you on vacation?" I asked.

"Nope. I will still work," he smiled. "As a head chef, I was assigned to manage the kitchen for the CEO."

"CEO?" Mom asked. "Your boss?"

"No, honey. It's another CEO. A very powerful multibillionaire."

I gazed at Dad, eager for more information. "Really Dad?"

"Yes. He owns shipping lines, airlines, resorts, hotels, and and several other private businesses in many countries." He drank coffee. "Hon, what do you think is the feeling, being damn rich as that?"

Mom laughed, "Well maybe we won't be able to sleep at night, we'll keep counting our money."

We laughed. But suddenly I resented myself from laughing too because Mom's attention suddenly turned to me and remembered what happened yesterday.

But before she can start nagging again,  I quickly announced that I've finished my food and that I will be late.

I was at the gate when Dad called me back. He's holding the lunch bag.

"Here's your lunch, and here is a little of pocket money in case you go on a date after class," he winked.

I laughed, "Thank you Dad. But sorry to disappoint you. I don't have anyone to date."

"What! Are the boys in your school blind or are they stupid? Nobody asks you out?"

I laughed even harder, "Dad! Don't let Mom hear you saying that. Anyway, I'm going--"

"Wait. You might see me in school this Friday," Dad gave me a mysterious smile.


He whispered, "Secret."

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