We're Coming Home Again

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   -I had Peter Stormare in mind for Jimmy. Based off his Lucifer character in Constantine (which I think was played perfectly: Pic)

    The open room was cold and smelled of cement. “Ah, boys!” The man said looking up. He grabbed his coffee and pulled it to his lips. “I see you have some explaining to do.” I could see the hot steam rise as he tilted the cup taking big gulps. I was amazed; he drank at least half a cup of fresh steaming hot coffee without a single flinch. He sat the cup down. Billie looked at me. His face was hard to read; he wasn’t happy or sad. He didn’t look scared either.

“Yeah, we need to talk.” He looked back at the man. He had a crooked smile on his face. He chugged down the last bit of coffee then dropped the cup on the floor. Its bounce echoed thru the room. He sat his pen down and wiped his face with a white cloth napkin that had been hidden across his lap. He set it on the table, and then leaned forward lacing his fingers together.

“And just what might your name be?” He looked at me. I looked up. My breathing was a bit heavier and my eyes slightly heavy. I gulped.

“Gloria sir. And you?” He smiled exposing his perfectly white teeth. He sat up straight sliding his hands to the edge of the table.

“They call me Jimmy.”

“It’s nice to finally meet the man behind it all. I’ve heard so much about you.” My voice was a bit softer than normal, but then again I felt so tired. I pulled my arms off the boy’s shoulders to show strength. Billie kept a hold of my hand and arm.

“All good things I hope.”

 “Everyone has a different definition of good.” He smiled and nodded. “So Jimmy, are you the devil?” He was amused as he chuckled at that one.

“My dear girl, I don’t believe in such silly things like that. If he were real I’m pretty sure I would have been in hell many many years ago.”  He stood up. “Well let’s get things started shall we.” He held his arm out guiding the way. The boys started walking toward a door Billie still had my arm and Mike right next to me. I was nervous.  Tre held the door open as we stepped out in to a beautiful garden. Just as beautiful as the hotel only it had two small water falls on each side. It was in an open area surrounded by the warehouse. Jimmy guided us to the middle were there where four cement beds. Each about three and a half feet high. We stopped and a door opened from the side we stood and watched as three men approached; each carrying a body wearing white dresses. They were laid upon the beds.

“Claire!” I said under my breath. I pushed off Billie and stumbled over to her. She was pale and eyes shut. Her golden blonde hair twisted back at each side, and she had natural looking makeup on. I started to tear up. I grasped her limp head in my hands. “Claire? Honey wake up… please.” I rubbed her cheeks with my thumbs. “Please just wake up.” A tear fell from my cheek to hers. I put my head down beside hers and cried. “We’re supposed to be inseparable! How can we be inseparable if I’m the only one here?”  I felt someone pulling at me. “No! Claire please wake up!” I pulled up to see Billie. I lowered her head gently and turned to him. “This is all of your guys fault!” Billie hugged me but I kept pushing away crying. “No stop! You bastard!” I started hitting his chest but he kept pulling me closer. I gave in and hugged him.

“I’m so sorry Gloria, truly I am.” I could hear the pain in his voice. I just hugged him.

“It’s all that guys fault.” I choked out. He walked me back to the boy’s side. Tre was squatted hands over his head. I could tell he was upset.

“Now what to do with this one?” Jimmy said looking to me. I peeked out from Billie’s chest.

“Please sir. Can she just be set free? She won’t tell I swear. Just don’t hurt her.” He pulled me closer. Jimmy looked at me then looked at Billie.

“You really love this one don’t you?” I felt as Billie nodded his head.

“Very much.”

“What was our number one rule Mr. Armstrong?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Not to fall in love.” I heard him faintly say.

“Can you say that a little louder?” Jimmy’s voice was a bit more demanding and serious.

“Not to fall in love.” Billie said a bit louder. Jimmy clacked his teeth down making a noise.

“Yes.” He hissed. “You have to let her go.” He put his hands behind his back and rocked on his heels

“No!” One of the guards walked over, and pried me from him. “No, please don’t!” A guard grabbed him and held him back. “You motherfucker!”

“You know the rules.”

“Billie, it’s ok. I said sniffling.” He stopped trying to get loose and just looked at me with curiosity. Jimmy turned his head as well. “We already talked about this.” I looked over to Claire and back to him. “It’ll be fine.”

“But I don’t want you to-“

“Just stop and give me a bye hug. I told you I can die happy.” I cut him off. Jimmy looked at the guard and nodded his head. The guard let Billie go then I was released. Billie dropped to his knees as I walked over. I knelt and hugged him. I could hear him sniffling as he tightened his grip.

“I have to know. What was on your bucket list?” he whispered in my ear. I pulled away and gave him one last kiss. Then I faced him and stared into his glossy green eyes. I put my hand to his cheek and rubbed it with my thumb.

“There was only one thing.”

“What was it?” I smiled.

“To meet you.” He smiled and another tear rolled down as he hugged me one last time.

“I’m so sorry.”

“Shhh. Remember what I said. It’s not your fault.”

“Alright alright, you’ve had your moment.” I heard Jimmy say. I got up and helped Billie to his feet. Tre and Mike stepped closer putting their arms around him. Jimmy held his hand out. “You ready?” he flashed his evil smile. I rubbed my nose and nodded my head. “Good.” He grabbed my wrist rather tight and we walked to the cement bed. “You haven’t been totally cleansed so this might hurt a bit.” I got up on the bed a laid back, I was really nervous. Jimmy stepped away. “let’s begin.”

    There were a few things said in a different language, or at least I thought it was a different language. I felt there was something clogging my ears not allowing me to hear as good as before. Everything sounded muffled, and then I felt a warmth go through my body. Many thoughts ran through my mind; mostly of my parents, and if I would see them in heaven. There was a light that surrounded me. Then the warmth running through my veins quickly turned in to what felt like a million razor blades carving their way through my body.

(Third person)

     Each girl was hidden by light, and with the final word being said, an ear piercing scream from Gloria’s bed filled the air. It sent the boys crashing to their knees covering their ears. Jimmy stood there taking it all in just starring as the murderous screams grew more painful and loud, and then all of a sudden they stopped. The boys lowered their hands and Billie was crying. Jimmy stepped to the middle of the girls and closed his eyes. The light faded as he breathed it all in.  Billie went to stand but instantly fell. He was weak at the knees. He finally stepped to Gloria lifting her limp body off the table. He fell to the ground hugging her rocking, crying.

“I’m so sorry Gloria.  I’m so sorry.” That’s all he could repeat.

-Comment/vote and dont forget to tell me if you'd like to be apart of that other story from the last chapter! If i dont get any inbox msgs in the next few days, I'll start the story with made up names. Thanks for reading!

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