Chapter 1 - Training

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               It was a warm summer, Goku and Vegeta were in the gravity Control chamber, sparing as usual. The chamber was set up 300 times Earths normal Gravity. Of course, nothing to the both of them, but perfect to train in. "Come on Kakarot! I know you're just toying with me!" Goku looked down, some what distracted from what he was doing. Vegeta starts slowly losing his patience. He walks over to goku, and punches him in the stomach. Goku shot forward, coming back to reality, he fell to the floor, holding his stomach, feeling the heat waves rush over him. "Kakarot! Whats gotten into you? Vegeta stands next to him, frowning slightly. Goku still keeping his head down. "Geta I...I still can get over it." Vegeta sighs. Goku stil hasen't gotten over Chichi's death. Soon after he had the heart virus, It spread to her. Goku looks up at Vegeta, his eyes filling with tears. "It's not fair!" Vegeta kneels down next to him, thinking about what he should say. Seeing how he's not very open, It was tough for him to say anything that would be of use in this situation. "Kakarot, nothing in the world is the way it should be.It's harsh and cruel, but that's where there's us -- Champions. It doesn't matter where we come from, what we've done, or suffered, or even if we make a difference. We live as though the world were as it should be, To show it what it can be." Goku looks up, slightly shocked. He has never heard Vegeta say anything like that.  Vegeta smiles, "Now, if you're done crying, i'd like to get back to my training." Goku stands up and smirks, Punching Vegeta in the stomach, Vegeta gets the wind knocked out of him. "Alright, now we can begin." 

(Hey guys! this is my first yaoi fiction,. I'm planning to start it off slow...but don't worry, we shall get to the good stuff in 2nd or 3rd chapter!)

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