Goku's suprise

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-one year time skip-

Goku and Vegeta had been togther for a total of six years. Goku was nervous, clearly he was the more dominate one in the relationship. He wanted to do something special for Vegeta. Something that truley said 'I love you'. 

They never really expressed their love for eachother, other than sex. But Goku wants to show Vegeta that he's more that just a sex toy, or...or a sparring partner. He wanted tobe with Vegeta for the rest of his life. They've been through everything with eatchother.

They could tell eatchother anything. They were perfect togther. Goku wanted to Marry Vegeta. BUt he was scared. What if he says no? After all marrige is just a piece of paper right? It's just licensed dating. But it's the fact of the matter.

Two marriges. Was he ready? Was Vegeta ready? He had made up his mind.

Goku got up, got dressed, on his way to the Jewelry store. Right before he left he wrote a letter to Vegeta, stating that he was on his way to the store to pick up a few groceries. Kissing Vegeta lightly on the cheek, he left, walking to the car, getting in and driving off into the city.

Vegeta's p.o.v (Two hours later)

Vegeta woke up, stretching, yawning loudly. He looked over and saw that Goku was gone. Worried, he searched around the house for him. "Kaka! Where are you?!" He walked into the the kitchen, finding the note on the fridge.

He read it, giving out a sigh of relief. Realizing that he went to the store, he opened the fridge,  seeing it full of food. "Why the hell would that clown go to the store for food? We have plenty." 

Shrugging it off, He stripped getting into the shower. I wonder what he's up to...

Goku sighed nervously, walking into the store, Trying not to draw attention to himself. He looked at all of the other men and couples,searching for the perfect rings and wedding bands.

It was then when he realized he was the only male, looking at the other mens rings, gaining strange looks from others. He looked through the glass boxes, seeing all of the big and fancy rings. Silver, Gold, Diamonds, emralds, Rubys. It was all to much.

Vegeta as a very simple person, big in ego, but small in style. He had what he needed, and he definately won't want something that would make him look like the prince of all pimps.

Goku kept looking, searching for the perfect one. 

Seeing as how he couldn't find one he went over to the jeweler for some help. "Hey um are there some mens wedding rings that are mabey less expinsive, like more plain?" The jeweler smiled, "Well, what in particular are you looking for sir?" Goku was dumbfounded. What did he want it to look like? Right then he thought of the perfect design.

Why is Kakarot not here yet? Is he okay? He's never really been the best driver.. Wait, what am I saying? I've hit him harder, that what any car could possibly do. I'm sure he's fine. Right?

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