Chapter 5- What happened last night?

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Vegeta woke up the next morning in Goku's bed. "What the hell happened last night? Where am I?" He looks over to a sleeping Goku. He blushes madly, remembering everything that happened. "Oh my Kami.." Vegeta quickly stood up, being careful to not wake him up. He quickly grabbed the towel off of the floor, wrapping it around himself, leaving to his room. He got dressed in his usual clothes, Navy Blue, skin tight suit, chest armor, boots, and gloves. Vegeta starts heading tword the Gravity control chamber.

Goku's P.O.V.

Goku woke up 30 Minutes later. He looks over to an empty bed. "Where did he go?" Goku starting of the worst case senarios, Is he mad? Has this ment nothing to him? Does he even care about Goku? Then his mind went into what-if's. What if he ignores him? What if he just did that to use him? Goku tried to brush off these weary questions, He went to go take a quick shower, and got dressed. 

Vegeta's P.O.V

He needed to get things off of his mind, He turned the chamber to 600 times Earth's Normal Gravity. Now, this was going to be a challange...Immeadiately, Vegeta was shoved to the ground, the gravity over taking his physical power, He grunted, slowly standing up gaining back his balance. He sighs, continuing with his training. I mean...just a normal day right?

Goku walked over to the chamber, knocking on the door. "Vegeta are you in there?!" He waits for  a response. "Yes Kakarot hold on." Vegeta turns it back to Earths normal gravity, and opens the door to let goku in. Oh...the sight Goku thought to himself. Vegeta was sweating, his clothes already torn to reaveal his perfect chest, he looks over to his neck to see the bite mark on his neck he left from last night. Goku blushes. "Oh....uh hey Geta...Is there room for one more in there?" Vegeta rolls his head. "Yes of course there is Baka, and get that blush off of your face. We're here to train, not mess around." Goku sighed, and steped in as Vegeta turned it to 400 time Earths normal gravity. Goku winced and the heat rushed over him, getting in his fighting stance. Goku managed to kick Vegeta in the back, Blasting his ki, Vegeta dodges it, firing back. They both went Ssj2, and continued with their training. Vegeta went to fire his ki but missed, it bounced, and hit him in the back, sending him twoard the ground, falling on top of Goku. BAM. Goku looked up, seeing Vegeta's Blue eyes. He blushed. The Ki knocked vegeta out. He must have been really exausted. 

Goku set gim down, turning the machine off, and carried Vegeta back to his room. to where he would be healing in. 

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