Chapter 2- Showers "

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Goku and Vegeta finished sparing, their clothes practically rags. "K-kakarot, i'm spent." Goku looks over at vegeta, breathing heavily. "Y-yeah I think we're good for the day." Goku stands up from being previously shot with a ki blast. He stretches out his back, letting the bones pop back in place. He sighs, and looks over at Vegeta, placing his hand behins his head, Giving that Son smile. Vegeta flys down, turning off the gravity, restoring it to it's origional setting. He looks over at goku, "What are you smiling about clown?! I destroyed you in that fight!" Goku starts to laugh. "Oh nothing Geta! Just thinking about that speach you gave me earlier," Vegeta looks down slightly blushing, "Oh, whatever! It meant nothing! Get out of my face!" Goku laughed even harder. "Yeah ok. Well, i'm going to go get something to eat." "What in those rags?" Goku looked down, suprised that he was still in them. "Well, I guess I should change." Vegeta rolls his eyes and walks out, heading twords that showers."Hmf, whatever." 

-small time skip- 

Vegeta enters the bathroom, striping down, getting ready to take a shower. He steps in turning on the water. He watches as the water rushes over his muscles, feeling it on his back, sighing slightly, Getting the block of soap, lathering his body. (Mean while with Goku) After eating easily 40 pounds of food, he gets his clothes ready, about to take a shower. He walks in the bathroom. (Tee hee Mr' Geta didn't lock the door)  Goku gasped as he saw a naked vegeta, covered in soap. He blushes madly. Vegeta gives out a high pitched scream, grabbing the block of soap, to cover his member, throwing the shampoo bottle at goku. "WHAT THE FUCK, GET OUT OF HERE CLOWN!" Goku dodges the bottle easily. "Oh my kami! I- i'm sorry geta!" Vegeta screams "WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE?! GET OUT!!" Goku rushes out,making sure to lock the door beind him. He ran to his room, slamming his door shut, flinging himself onto the bed. "Oh my kami, what the hell just happened?!" Goku felt himself blushing still, his heart racing, Did he have a crush?

(xD thanks for reading guys.)

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