The First Note

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"All Might, I need you to come here ASAP!" I yelled, knowing he was going to be beating himself up every day after this.

"What's wrong Tsukauchi-kun?"

"Just come!" I hung up the phone massaging my head.

'How could a kid disappear? There was a suicide note and everything. Blood at the bottom of the building! Yet nobody, no blood trail no nothing. Like he disappeared, and the note. This kid was a genius, yet everyone belittled him. What a horrible life. I hope the kid got the freedom he wished so badly for. I hope he is able to fly.' But deep down I knew, that's not what happened.

"I AM HERE!" All Might said, making his grand entrance.

"Now's not the time, quickly sit. And I want you to stay sitting and not beat yourself up." I looked at him shrink into his normal form and sat down confused. "This is about the missing body suicide. The note he wrote applies to you as well. I'm going to read the whole thing so listen closely and don't interrupt.

-the note-

To all who read this note, I want you to know I've always loved the thought of freedom. In all the books I've read, the concept of freedom was a beautiful thing. Freedom could make you fly, and I loved that. That's why I loved heroes, because they are the reason we could have freedom and fly. And like any young child, I wanted to be a hero like All Might. A hero who could save people with a smile.

I could see All Might give a small smile.

But there was the first chain that kept me down. That chain was being quirkless. But that chain only made it harder, not impossible. So I kept reaching for freedom, for my dreams. But it soon became clear that I could not be a hero without a quirk. So I quickly dropped that hope, for it only put more chains on me. I decided that I wanted to become a hero support maker. Although many people got it wrong with the idea of me still wanting to be a hero, I didn't care. That dropped only a few chains and added more.

I was gifted with being creative, but I wasn't good at bringing it to life. No matter how good my ideas were, I couldn't make them. So I soon gave up on that too. I wanted to be an agent or a spy next. What I later found out was that I had a natural talent for hacking. At first I was thrilled. In every action movie, the good guys needed a hacker. So I thought I could do that, until I messed up.

Dear Mom and everyone else,

You were the best supporter in my life. I couldn't ask for more, I'm so grateful you were my mother. And don't worry, I know the real reason my Dad left. I don't blame you for anything. And Dad if you ever read this, I want you to know that it was fine with you leaving me. I understand the workplace brought a ton of stress to you because of me. I still love you, and I know you love me too.

"*cough* Tsukauchi-kun, how does this apply to me?"

"Just wait." It was getting really hard to read.

And Kacchan, none of this is your fault. You were the reason I stayed alive. Because I wanted you to become the number 1 hero. Because I wanted you to become something I too, wanted to be. I didn't jump because of anything you or other people said, I'm not that foolish. Someone's after me because of my hacking, Kacchan you helped me get rid of one evidence. So I got rid of the other, me. Now my chains are bound to be free, thank you, mom, dad, Kacchan, Autie Mitsuki, and Uncle Masaru for being in my life. I'll be watching over you, doing the thing I've always wanted to do. Fly with my freedom.

-Sincerely yours

Midoriya Izuku

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