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-Still the hospital-

Because every time Izuku woke up, he dashed to Eri's room, they transferred his bed. Making everyone's job much easier. Currently, Izuku was doing Eri's hair into a Double-Dutch braid bun. Izuku slightly bumbed that his body was a fourth grader.

"Hello." Izuku spoke without warning, making Eri jump a bit.

"Hello!" a cheery voice replied, walking closer to the bed. "You are Midoriya Izuku, correct?"

"It is, and what do I owe the pleasure Principle Nezu?" Izuku asked, not looking up once.

"Well, I'm sure you already heard about Eri-san being adopted by UA, and we thought it would be easier for Eri-san if-"

"I'm going to stop you there," Izuku said, finishing the hair. Then complementing how Eri looked beautiful. Whispering something in her ear, standing up. "Can we talk in private?" Izuku asked, gaining a nod from Nezu, as they left the room.

"What did you want to talk about Midoriya-kun?" Nezu said in his normal cheery face.

"You were about to tell me to be Eri's caretaker at UA. Because she trusts me." Izuku looked down, saying those words. As if those words have weights that were attached to them, making them heavy and resentful. "Principle Nezu, I'm sure you can see that Eri is still suffering. Chisaki's grip hasn't fully left her. I actually tried to die that day. So everything about that man could leave Eri, so I could leave this cruel world." Izuku ended looking up, as if waiting for death to come lift him away.

"Well, Eri-san looks much happier to be with you than anyone else."

"That's because children will always favor someone else's feelings over the other. You see it a lot in babies, they're either the mom's or dad's kid. Eri had that stage, but forgot about it. She forgot many feelings, and she never got loving embraces, or even looks. I was the first one in a long time. Making her favoritize me. I believe her going to UA will help her become a bit more like a regular five year old. So I can't be there, or she'll never open up fully."

"Maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong," Nezu said walking over and sitting next to Izuku. "But let's say you are her parental figure, what happens to a child when the parents disappear? Midoriya-kun, today I am actually here," out of nowhere, he pulled out a sheet of papers. "To ask if you would like to join the Hero Course at UA."

To Be Continued...

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