Bonus Chapter!!!

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"As a reward, I'll let you do anything you want for 2 hours. Obviously it depends on what you're asking for." Chisaki's minion said, smugly walking towards me. "This is merely what the boss told me to do. If it were up to me, I'd just make you go back to watching that monster."

Gritting my teeth, I kept my head down. Mumbling only a few words. "I want to go on Yap!Tube."

"Hah? Are you an idiot, Boss said you were intelligent but you sure are just a lazy fool. Was there a show you wanted to watch?" He replied mockingly.

"I want to learn how to do a girl's hair. " I answered, not looking up for the fear of what I might do.

"Tch, no need to suck up to the monster you brat. This is why I hate kids." while mumbling the last part, he handed me a laptop. "Search anything without permission and I get to hit you."

-2 hours later-

"Morning Eri-chan," I said, walking into her room.

"G-good morning."

"Eri-chan? Is it okay if I do your hair today?" I ask, getting the supplies I prepared for today.

"My- my hair? Why, do we have to go outside? I probably sweat while I was sleeping, it's gross." She said, desperately refusing.

"It's nothing special going on, but I'm going to do your hair. With that tea party set that's in your closet I'll be your butler and you'll be the princess." I said, looking at her shattered yet beautiful eyes.

"I would love that Oniichan. ...!" Quickly realizing what she called me, she put her hands over her mouth and looked down in shame.

"I never had a sister, but I would be honored if you called me your brother," I replied, happy with my new found sister.

"You're not mad?" She asked looking up.

"No way! My cute Eri-chan called me Oniichan, I couldn't be happier! Now come sit here and let's see how well I do."

"Okay, Oniichan!"

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