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Everyone was there, waiting to hear the results. All Might, Inko, Hisashi, Katsuki, Mitsuki, and Masaru. Hisashi came back a few weeks after Izuku's failed suicide, apologizing repeatedly for everything. Before the big fight with All for One, All Might had already explained everything to both families. Getting on his knees and begging for their forgiveness. Also allowing them to read the second note that Izuku wrote. That just shocked everyone, Izuku needed help, and they couldn't do anything.

"Are you Izuku Midoriya's parents?" A man in a doctor's coat walked up to them.

"Y-y-y-yes, what happened to our baby?" Inko and Hisashi said, almost at the same time. Both trying to control their crying.

"We were able to flush most of the parts that were injected in him. He's in a light coma, but he should be fine. When you see him, he will be back a few years. But he will still remember, do not worry." the doctor said, smiling.

"What happened to the other kid?" Katsuki asked, his head hung low.

"She's still sleeping. It's just because of the stress and exhaustion, but she'll most likely wake before Midoriya-san." with that said, the doctor left.

-a few weeks later, in Eri's room-

"I-is Oniichan okay?" Eri said the second she woke up.

"That problem child is in a light coma," Aizawa said, watching the nurse bringing food for Eri. "I have some questions for you, is that okay?" Aizawa said, inching closer.

"Y-yeah, it's okay." Eri was concerned about Izuku, like anyone would be.

"Okay, first question. Why do you call Midoriya Oniichan?" Aizawa said, getting ready to activate his quirk just in case he triggered something.

"I accidentally called him that one day. And he really liked it. And- and it became a habit. To me, he really was like an older brother!" Eri said with a slight twinkle in her eye.

"Second question, if he had the chance to run, or warn a hero. Why didn't he?" Aizawa had actually been wondering about this for a while. If he wanted to have freedom, why didn't he run? Or call heroes. He clearly knew it was Nighteye at the toy store, so why didn't he say anything.

"Because of me," Eri said looking down. "Because I asked him about that once, and he said that he would never be free from the thought of leaving a five year old to be tortured. Everything he did was for me." Eri concluded, silent tears rolling down her cheek.

"Last question then," Aizawa said, the child making his work awkward. "Did he do anything else for Chisaki?"

"I don't know, Oniichan would never mention him. Other than telling me to get away if I had the chance, no matter what. He would never talk about things that were uncomfortable for me. That's what I like about Oniichan." Eri ended with a forced smile. Soon drifting off to sleep.


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