Unfortunate Soul to Freedom

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"*sigh* let's see who the unfortunate soul is" I mumbled to myself opening the door. For a few seconds, I just stood there. She's like what? 5-6? She's the important girl? Unconsciously, I started crying. Overhaul told me to get rid of the habit, but it seemed to stick.

"Why, why are you crying?" Eri's small afraid voice whispered to me. I wiped my tears, closed the door and walked over to the bed. I ignored her flinch and looked at her the way I look at my mother, with all my love that the heart can offer.

"Eri-chan, how old are you?" I matched her voice level, just in case mine was too loud.

"F-five" Eri-chan looked into my eyes, wondering why my tears wouldn't stop.

Slowly and gently, I pulled her into my hugs. Brushing her hair softly, whispering into her ear 'sorry', over and over again. Not being able to stop crying.

"W-why are you sorry?" Eri-chan said, hugging me tighter.

"Because now I have to keep you away from freedom."

-Another Time Skip-

Being Eri-chan's babysitter brought some light back into my eyes. But the chains increased. Overhaul let me shop for Eri-chan's stuff. I never dared to run away. That would hurt Eri-chan the most. And she has suffered enough for her age. And somehow, I still can't find out anything that's happening in the world.

"What kind of hair do you want today Princess?" I said, taking out the hair supplies I bought for her a couple days ago.

"Anything fine!" Eri-chan said, giving me her anxious smile.

"I'm going to go shopping again Eri-chan, what do you want?" I asked, trying to decide on what to do.

"I'm fine with anything." Eri-chan started to twitch more, I don't blame her. Soon would be 'the' time.

"All right! Today I'll do a Gorgeous Side-Swept Braid with Ringlet Curls for my Princess." I started tickling Eri-chan so she could ease up a bit. I watched so much Yap!tube to do hair things. Why is hairstyling so hard!!

After finishing her hair and parting ways, I started walking to the toy store. Me being the guy who has never socialized with any girl except Eri, my mom, and Auntie Mitsuki, made this toy choosing much more difficult. Seeing no point in just staring at plastic toys, I walked over to the register and asked for the most popular girl thing they have right now. I'm not sure what Eri's into but anything will probably work.

"I believe you're looking for this." A voice came from behind, startling me for a minute.

"Oh, thanks!" I got really uncomfortable about the hand and turned to see Sir Nighteye staring back at me. "I-I-I better get going, thanks for the help!" I took the box from his hand and turned back to the cashier, paying the money and leaving as fast as I could.

'It seems Eri-chan was able to somehow get some help. Now they're going to save Eri-chan from her chains!' I started to get really excited. 'Eri-chan will finally understand what I mean by freedom and flying!' I was so happy, I won't mention this to anyone ever. I won't ruin Eri-chan's freedom!

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