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"Okay (y/n) can I take the blind fold off yet?" Jaden was being dragged through the corridors of duel academy with a blindfold on by you.

"No not until we get there" you continued to pull him through the school.

"Are we nearly there yet?"


"How long will it be until we are there?"

"Jaden, shut up"
You pulled him by his hand as he stumbled behind you.

You took him to the duel arena where there were loads of students and friends and you took of the blindfold.
Everyone yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JADEN" and party poppers were set off and music started playing.

"So this is what you've been doing" jaden turned to you and put his arms round your waist and kissed you on the lips. "I have the best girlfriend ever".

"Okay stop with the mushy stuff" it was chazz, what a surprise "it's a your birthday so let's party".

Everyone was on the duel arena dancing and singing even Crowler and Bonaparte were dancing. I bet that's not a pretty sight.
You took out a small white box with a red bow on it and gave it to him "happy birthday".
He undid the ribbon to see two tickets to join the biggest tournament in the world his eyes widen with excitement "I know you always wanted to duel in the tournament so I managed to get us both entry tickets".
Jaden hugged you "i love you (y/n)"
"I love you too Jaden"

It's short I know don't come at me it's my first one.

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