Shey X reader

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You sat in the library in front of your laptop with your pen in your mouth.
It was quiet, nothing but the sound of people rustling and occasionally the sound of someone checking out a book.

That was until the door opened and the sound of Lulu's voice rang through the building "come on shey! Do it!".

A few people have her glares as she pushed shey through the door and into the library.

Lulu then snickered as she closed the door behind him, everyone in the library was looking at shey and with a cold expression he looked around the room making them look away.
His eyes then met yours  and his mouth subconsciously dropped a little bit. You smiled and beckoned for him to come sit with you.

As he sat down his shoulder gently brushed yours and you bit your lip feeling a slight blush creep onto your face.

"Need any help?" he asked looking over to you laptop to see what you were looking at.

"Uhh Yeah. I need help on this project" you reply pointing at a part of the screen.

He smiled and continued "okay so you have to write about this event, and then explain why that happened".

You nodded while shey explained what you had to do.

You spent the whole of lunch in the library working together when the bell rang "I'll see you tomorrow shey" you waved and picked up your stuff.

"A-actually I was wondering (y/n) if you wanted to hangout after school, maybe work on your project? Or even just hangout?" He suggested helping you pick up your books.

"Yeah that would be great, where do you want to meet?" You agreed.

"Out side the front gates?"

"I'll be there"

You both walked out the library together and he watched you walk off down the halls to your last class of the day.

You slipped into your seat next to Zuzu and excitedly exclaimed "I'm hanging out with shey after school" and you squealed after.

"What are you two going to do" she squealed excitedly for you.

You shrugged saying "not sure, but I'm excited".

"Are you going to tell him?" She asked.

"Only if you tell Yuya" you teased making her blush "come on you'd be so cute together".

She just looked away and pouted.


"Come on (y/n) we have 20 minutes to make you look amazing, your not going to wow anyone wearing that sweater" Zuzu held your wrist and pulled you out of the school to her house.

"I think I look fine" you told her.

"Nah girl you need to sort out your hair and put on some nicer clothes, you need to dress to impress!" She said while sitting you down on her bed "wait here".

Zuzu then went into her closet and came out a few minutes later with 3 outfits.

"Can't I just wear this?". You complained.

"No! Here outfit 1, try it on" she said handing you a black off the shoulder top with lace at the front, black skinny jeans and a chain belt.

You went into her bathroom and put on the clothes, "this doesn't look bad" you told her walking out the bathroom.

"You look cute" she jumped up and down "here try this on".

You tried on all three outfits but settled on outfit 1. " you have 5 minutes, go so your not late" she said pushing you out the house and closing the door behind you.

The weather was warm and there was no wind, you were breathing heavily as you turned the corned to the entrance of the school to see shey wasn't there yet.

You leaned against the wall outside watching all the students pass you by until you heard the familiar voice of Lulu "come on shey it's only (y/n), stop being a wimp".

"I'm not being a wimp" he argued back to her and you laughed at their conversation.

Shey turned the corner to see you while Lulu went the other way "hey (y/n)" he nervously smiled. Looking at you up and down.

Is he checking you out?

"Hey, Umm so what do you want to do?"  You looked into his yellow eyes.

"We can go back to my place? If you want" he suggested.

"Sounds good" you grinned and nodded your head. When you looked back to shey you could have sworn you saw him blush.

You both walked next to each other talking about little things and joking around when you reached shey's house.

You followed him into his room where he jumped onto his bed and patted next to him gesturing for you to sit. Which obviously you did.

"You look nice" he said looking at his feet to avoid eye contact.

"You too" you said putting your hand over his which made him flinch a little.

He's so fucking cute, oh my god!

He then turned to face you "I wanted to tell you something" he said and you tilted your head curiously. "I-I like you" he mumbled just loud enough for you to hear.

Unexpected you leant forward touching your lips to his and pulling away quickly.
His eyes widened and his mouth dropped "y-you just. Did you just do that?" He nervously stuttered.

"I'll do it again if you want" you said biting your lip. If he had any idea how much courage it took to do and say that he would be shocked.

He didn't say anything, he just smiled which answered your question.

You leant forward again and kissed him more deeply, wrapping your arms around his neck. Your lips moving in sync.

You both pulled away and a wave of happiness washed over you.

I just kissed Shey Obsidian, holy shit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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