Yuto X reader

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It was the end of the day, you had just finished your shift at the coffee shop and was walking home.
To get home you had to go through a dark ally, you went through here everyday so you didn't think much of it. That was until you heard footsteps.

You turned you head to see a man, he was probably in his mid 40's and he had a smirk on his face as he walked towards you.
The man came closer and you tried to run away but he was fast, grabbing both your arms he pinned you against the walls, tears started to form in your eyes as you were terrified.

The man started to put his hand up you skirt while his other hand covered your mouth preventing you from screaming.
The man started to touch your butt when his other hand snaked up your back and tried to undo your bra.
You had tears pouring down your face and you eyes screwed shut, you were paralysed, unable to do anything.

When all of the sudden the man stopped, you heard a thud and opened your eyes to see him laying on the floor with a cut on his face which had blood streaming out of it, and a boy the same age as you stood over him.
The boy had lilac and black hair with goggles and a mask on hiding his face. You breathed heavily as you stepped back, unsure of his intentions.
He took of his mask and goggles to show his face, and his misty grey eyes.
A small, comforting smile appeared on his lips as he asked in a soft tone "are you alright?".
You cautiously nodded at the stranger not making any movement or saying a word. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you out of the ally "wait here I'll be back, this won't take long". You nod and follow his instructions.

After waiting a minute or so a blue light shines from down the ally before it returns to darkness, and the boy emerges from the shadows.
You see him slip a card into his pocket while he walked over to you.

"Thank you" you breathed still having tears dripping down your cheeks. He nodded his head before turning to walk away, but you stoped him "I'm (y/n), what's your name?".
Without turning the boy stoped and said in a calm, quiet voice "yuto" before continuing to walk away. You wiped the tears from your face and smiled as Yuto disappeared into the distance.

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