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"YUYA" you ran and jumped on top of Yuya causing you to both fall to the ground.
"Hey (y/n), what's up" he climbed out from underneath you and stood up. " you know I've been meaning at ask you something (y/n)"

"What is it Yuya?"

"Umm maybe we could meet in the park after school and talk about it"

"Sure" you walked away waving at him "see ya then Yuya".


You were in class and you felt a tap on your shoulder, it was Yugo "hey (y/n) do you want to study together after school?"

"Yeah we can meet at the park" you gave him a warm smile forgetting that was where you were supposed to meet with Yuya.

"Cool I'll see you there" he went back to his seat and your remembered you were meeting Yuya at the park after school,
well shit

In your next lesson you were sat next to Yuto. "(Y/n) I would like to talk to you" he was fiddling with his pen.

"Sure Yuto, what is it?".

"Umm not now, maybe we can talk about it at lunch".

Then you got an idea "how about we meet in the park after school?".

"Yeah sounds good" he turned back to his work and smiled to himself.


The bell rang indicating that it was lunch so, like usual you went to the roof to eat lunch. Just as you went through the door to go onto the roof someone pushed you against the wall, it was Yuri. He put one hand up next to your head and the other held your hand, he lent forward and kissed you, you couldn't pull away because you were against the wall. Yuri pulled away "I just wanted to say (y/n) I li-" you cut him off.

"Before you say anything meet me in the park after school" you said shaking your hand out of his and gently pushing him away.


"Just meet me there we can talk about it then"

He smirked "okay, I'll see you then" he walked away and off the roof.


It was after school and you made your way to the park knowing all 4 of them would be there. You walked into the park and could instantly hear shouting.
"Get back here you little snake" you turned the corner to see Yugo chasing Yuri around the park and Yuto and Yuya yelling at each other.
Yuya turned and saw you "(y/n) tell them we were meeting here and not these three" they all stoped yelling and fighting once they saw you.
"Yuya invited me here and then I asked the rest of you to meet here, Yugo me inviting you was an accident but then I was like fuck it so ya"
They all just stood there shocked and you had your hands on your hips.
"Yuya, Yuto what did you want to tell me?"
Yuya flushed a dark shade of red "well I just wanted to tell you that... I like you"
A shock went through you "Y-Yuto?"

He held his head down shyly "I like you too"
Yugo jumped in front "me too (y/n) I had been planing to tell you that when we studied".
You turned to Yuri he looked into your eyes and smirked "I think it's pretty obvious I like you, that's why I kissed you after all" he didn't at all seem bothered by the situation.

You didn't know what to do, 4 boys just told you they liked you "(y/n) I think you have to choose".

"Uhh I choose..."


Yuya scenario

"I choose... Yuya" you looked at him as his eyes widened and his mouth dropped.
"Really your choosing me?" He scratched the back of his head.
"Mhm" you walked over to him and put your arms around his neck before leaning up to kiss him, his lips were soft and warm. You had secretly had a crush on him for ages but were to shy to tell him.
You pulled away from the kiss to get some air.
"Are you going to stop making out now or should I go over there and throw up" Yuri crossed his arms and turned away.
"We're not making out, we kissed, once" You let go as Yuya and Yuri started fighting.
"Same difference, whatever" Yuri shrugged his shoulders.

You hugged Yuya again "I love you"
"I love you too"

Yuto scenario

"I choose... Yuto" he stood shocked.
"Me? Are you sure? I-" he was nervous and didn't know how to react until you cut him off.
"Yes Yuto, I'm sure" you smiled and giggled "I mean I've had a crush on you since forever"
"Really?" A look of relief spread across his face.
You buried your head in his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist. The heat from his body keeping you warm in the cold weather.
Yugo sighed "I guess I was wrong, you did get a girlfriend before me".
You looked up at Yuto and pecked him on the lips.

Yugo scenario

"I choose... Yugo".

"Yesss" Yugo fist bumped the air "i told you I'd get a girlfriend before you Yuto"

He grabbed you and spun you round before kissing you, you wrapped your armed around his neck and he wrapped his arms around you waist pulling you in. You ran your hands through his hair and he pulled you in tighter which caused you to moan a little, he used this to his advantage by slipping his tongue into your mouth.
You pulled away and smiled at him.
He grabbed you picking you up and puting you on his duel runner before saying "bye losers" driving off into the streets.

Yuri scenario

"I choose..." you paused and before you finished you walked over to Yuri and planted a kiss on his lips "you, Yuri".
He cupped your face and kissed you, you kissed him back. His soft lips moved in sync with yours as you pushed him back onto a park bench and continued kissing him. You only stoped when you needed air and when he was sat on the bench you sat on top of him straddling him.

"I'm I don't want to see this" Yuya awkwardly turned away and you gave them a side glance and stoped.
You got up of Yuri and he said "well we'll take this elsewhere". He got up and put his arm around your waist while glaring at Yuya, Yuto and Yugo "mine" and he pulled you in closer as you both walked away.

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