16. The Library

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A VERY IMPORTANT Herbology essay was assigned before the break, but needless to say, I didn't work on it. As Sirius and I are partners, we usually do the work together, but since his breakup, I've been spending some time away from him in hopes to show Debbie and the other Hufflepuffs she's talked about me to, that I'm not a boyfriend stealer. Even Ewa and the other girls are more apprehensive towards me, which only makes me push Sirius away more when I see them around.

The two weeks away was easy, we were physically apart, but since I came back, Sirius is very vocal about his dislike towards my distance. So he demands to meet in the library to do our work, after I contend I don't think it's a good idea, and I give in. I know he's very bright, his grades attest to that, but I also know he doesn't go to the library unless absolutely necessary. I would think we'd go to the greenhouse like normal, but when word gets around that Sirius Black is single once again, I sympathize with his desire to hide a bit more.

And I show up late.

He's buried at the furthest table in the back, as if he wants to disappear, with a couple pieces of parchment surrounding him. His attempts to hide aren't very good, as I notice a couple girls stealing glances at him throughout the library. I don't want to make eye contact with them, so I focus on the person beside Sirius, who has a book up like a shield, and I try and decipher who the mystery person is, but come up with nothing as I approach.

"Sorry." I greet, making sure my voice is the right level for Madam Pince. "Rem kept me late."

He was scolding me about my behaviour towards Sirius. But I don't have to let him know that.

"No worries." The boy smiles up at me, dropping his quill and the person beside him lowers their book.

"Henry!" I grin, genuinely very happy to see him, especially after so many bad Hufflepuff interactions. I sit down in the chair Sirius pulls out for me between the two. "How far are you?"

"All finished." He claims, chest puffed with pride. "Black asked for help."

"I say it'll help if I get to see the plants in Hufflepuff's common room." Sirius explains.

"And I say no." Henry concludes and I shake my head at his attempts.

"Why's everyone always itching to see our common room anyway?" I ask.

"You jivin'?" Sirius raises an eyebrow. "It's forbidden, that just screams 'Sirius Black'."

"For sure." I give Henry a look and he shares my thoughts that it's absurd - it's not like Hufflepuff has anything worth hiding, except maybe the Mary Jane. "Let's work on the essay."

Henry slides over the book he was reading, already having flipped to the pages that are needed to complete the assignment. He even brings out his extra parchment, where he's drawn an outline that explains his points and train of thought. He urges us to do the same, just so we don't ramble, but Sirius is more interested in doing less work, and copying some points that Henry jotted down in the margins, yet omitted from his final draft so he can take them.

I find his work helpful too, and I end up writing an outline pretty quickly before getting started on my final essay.

My eyes lift every so often, so I can adjust them back to a regular distance instead of having them pressed to the paper and giving me a headache, when I catch the eyes of a few girls directed towards us. Some behind books, some with their head in their hands looking dazed, and some just outright, but all of them staring.

"Uh..." I speak lowly, the two boys beside me writing. "We're being watched."

"Yea." Sirius agrees, rolling his wrist but not taking his eyes off the parchment. "Just ignore them."

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