6. Hufflepuff Pride

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THE FIRST Hufflepuff Quidditch game of the year is always Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw. Since the games are so few during the year, they're always highly anticipated, almost as anticipated as the first celebration of the year.

I can't even concentrate during the match, I'm too busy thinking of the party after we win. A bit premature, but I have enough faith in my house that we'll be victorious. I sit with Remus and his friends (at Sirius' request because Remus has taken it up a notch to ignore me, any progress I thought I made at Halloween going down the gutter, and I asked for some help with that). Although Debbie doesn't apologize, I know she fixed her mistake when a Ravenclaw boy asks me to Hogsmeade for the following weekend, and I agree, on the condition that Ravenclaw wins.

"What's that about?" Peter asks me. "You and Moony are supposed to go next weekend."

"We are," I assure him, though I'm not too sure anymore, because Remus hasn't confirmed. "Hufflepuff isn't gonna to lose."

"I can't go." Remus says. And because it's the first thing he's said to me, it hurts a little more. He doesn't even give an excuse.

"We'll get rid of him, Moony." Sirius chimes, noticing the look on my face. "And you and Des can have a wonderfully romantic date."

"Three of us included." James adds as we all duck when two chasers fly over our heads.

"See, Rem, it's chill." I smile up at him hopefully but he looks away from me and the crowd becomes louder.

My head whips around and I see the Hufflepuff seeker in a sharp dive. When I squint my eyes I notice the flash of gold and see that they're reaching for the snitch. My screams overpower the boys around me as our seekers fingers wrap around the prize, pulling up in the nick of time.

I jump up and cheer as we win with a massive lead, the students around me doing the same as the Ravenclaw fans deny their defeat. My mood lifts when Robbie and Henry come over to drag me away for the celebration, I don't get to say goodbye to the Gryffindor boys.

One thing the Hufflepuffs can tell you is that we throw the best parties in Hogwarts. I'm sure any house would say that about their own, but that's only to stroke their ego - everyone knows that ours are legendary. Thus, we get a bunch of students trying to convince us to let them in to the common room, and we get a lot of kids soaked in vinegar when they get the password wrong.

Professor Sprout leaves us to our own devices tonight, understanding that the first win of the season is a big deal and sets the mood for the rest of the year. The seventh years bring in a variety of alcohol and for the first time this year, the Mary Jane plant in the windowsill is put to good use.

Jane and I move around to the beat of the music and cheer when two taps on our shoulder and a couple words have us leaving the common room to head to the kitchens for more supplies. It usually us, because we don't wake the house elves, Jane refuses to make them serve us, which I respect. Besides, we're not incompetent, we can get drinks and stuff.

"More food and alcohol, of course." I mumble, my ears ringing a bit in the harsh silence of the corridor.

Jane makes a note of how much we eat as we make the short distance to the fruit bowl portrait. I don't bother being stealthy or quiet, I'm tipsy and it's unlikely someone would be out at this hour. But I could not be more wrong when two voices cut off me and Jane.

"Desdemona, tsk, tsk." Sirius speaks at an inappropriately high volume for one in the morning. "What are you doing breaking curfew?"

Peter waves at me from beside him and I cock my head at them with a smile.

"I have a prefect with me." Tugging on Jane's arm, she raises an eyebrow at the two.

"What are two Gryffindors doing in the basement?" She asks in her prefect voice.

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