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Before I could completely break down the elevator starts to move again.

As soon as the elevator reaches the right floor I start to run straight for Niccy's room.

I open the door to see Niccy laying there eyes closed motionless I take a step and and instantly breakdown and tears and start to fall.

I catch myself before I fall why make this about me and my sadness this is about Niccy.

I walk up to him hold his hand and lean my forehead against his.

" Niccy"  I whisper.

I pause to collect myself a little and say " Come back to me "


" Niccy".

I stop punching the mirrors and curl myself into a ball before crying and whisper

" кролик ".

" Come back to me" She starts off I can hear it in her voice that she's crying I can tell.

" I'm right here кролик " I say hoping that she can hear me that she can feel me.

" It's been hours and I miss you so much Niccy so please come back to me please come back so we can hug so we can talk and laugh and play ride your motorcycle fight about my Oreos. Come back so we can hang out with our friends come back to me Niccy I can't do this without you I promise I can't I need you. You are my rock you keep me grounded literally , emotionally , Mentally, and physically. You are part of my heart and soul what would I do without you how would I breathe without you. How would I see How would I feel. Who would I love the way I love you. How would I fly because I promise you the way I love you makes me feel like I could if I really tried. Please Nicholai I am begging you come back to me come back to us we all need you. I love you deeper than the ocean homie. " My кролик says crying harder as she talks.

I start to cry I hate seeing well hearing her this sad.

"кролик-" I start to respond back even though she can't hear me when I stop myself if I'm going to say it I'm going to say it when she can hear me.

You know you sure are thinking pretty bright Niccy boy how are yo so sure you'll make it back to her your optimism is disgusting.

The voice says.

I go to punch the mirror but stop myself all I am doing is wasting time when I could be finding a way to wake up so just ignore the voice Nicholai.

How can you ignore yourself Nicholai I am you the only way to get rid of me is to die.

The voice says and the echoes are louder this time.

" Maybe you are a part of me and I could accept that I guess because you being apart of me doesn't make you the biggest part of me or all of me. Maybe you are the part of me that wants be dead but a bigger parts of me wants to live happy. Maybe you are the part of me that wants me to hate but a bigger part of me has a girl who he loves with all his heart and friends and family that he loves. Maybe you are the coldest part of me but you are the smallest part of me and I refuse to let you make me look weak. I refuse to let you keep me quite and afraid. I refuse to let you keep me down and away from the people I love. I refuse for you to make me sleep because I will wake up soon and when I do I will be happy because I refuse to believe no I know that you are not all of me " I say while looking the mirror me in the eyes the whole time.

You will accept it soon Nicholai no matter how much you try to fight it the truth will come into the light
The voice says faltering.

" Maybe it will but I doubt it" I say as I punch the mirror in front one me one more time and a light portal thing comes instead of it rebuilding itself. 


After my little love declaring speech all of my friends are looking at me jaws dropped.

" I didn't know you had that in you Naa " Mario says.

" I didn't either Rio" I say as I squeeze Niccy's hand and smile a small little smile.

" That was beautiful NaaNaa " Allyson and Tay Say simultaneously while crying.

" What can I say I love him" I say shrugging.

" You sure are saying that with more confidence now" Liiric says.

" After I said it the first time out loud it's a whole lot easier now" I say smiling.

" I love you deeper than the ocean too кролик you are also my rock. You are my everything. You are my best friend and my greatest enemy you are my glue you keep me together. I love you infinity I love you too much to even describe it like you did with that speech. You are my Mental , Emotion and Physical rock looked what happened without you. I was in a coma I felt alone and in the dark and it felt like forever. Then I heard a angel well you cuz I can recognize your voice anywhere. I am recognize how you make me feel from just your presence anywhere. I love you I love you so much that it hurts and it sometimes becomes unbearable. I love you so much that I can't  live without you кролик" Nicholai says while he starts crying.

I put my hand over my mouth and start crying before I hug him and whisper " I love you".

He hugs me back and whispers " I love you more".


The doctor came after Niccy and Naa declared their love for each other and fell asleep while the rest of us either cried or had a surprised pikachu faces I had both.

" He's fine he is very lucky that he only went into a short coma and had a small concussion that is all cleared up now most motorcycle car accidents he would have been so much worse he will however have to stay overnight and one person could stay with him also " The doctor tells us while looking down still feeling bad about what he did to Naa as he fucking should.

We all sit there and mug him as he checks Niccy's vitals one more time before leaving  the room.

" It pretty obvious Naa is staying seeing as they all cuddled up so I'll bring them some clothes and Mimi and Londyn will stay with us tonight and tomorrow" Xai says as we walk out towards the entrance and all leave.

When I get to Liiric's car I can't help but think about this emotional roller coaster this night has been and just cry and let it all out one more time.

𓆉 𝒩𝒶𝒶𝒩𝒶𝒶

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