14 3 2

I jump up in the hospital bed crying from that horrible nightmare.I hug Niccy and cry into his chest even if he is sleep just to feel his warmth.

I feel a arm wrap around me and pat my head " What's wrong кролик ".

I squeeze a little harder and say " Juf a Nightbare" into his chest.

Niccy sits up taking me with him still holding me against him " How bad " he asks.

" I don't even want to talk about it bad plus it was just a dream it's not gonna happen anyway" I say grabbing my phone to check the time.

" What time is it" Niccy asked.

" 9 in the morning jackass". I say rolling over him and getting off the bed.

" I'm finna go handle my morning scandal do you want me to call a nurse for you when I'm done" I ask while grabbing the clothes on the chair  I guess were left for me.

" Yeah but don't call her until then I don't wanna deal with a nurse until absolutely necessary" Nicholai said turning over in the bed.

I roll my eyes with a smile and head towards the bathroom.

I finish my morning routine and get dressed I need to make two calls.

One I called the nurse to come check on Niccy and she's on her way. Now I have to call Liiric to ask who the hell packed my clothes.

Hello - Liiric

" Um hello hey cici I just wanna know who the hell picked my clothes this look like some shit From the back back of my closet aka only there for memories never wearing again why the hell am I wearing it". I say looking at myself in the mirror and shaking my head that the monstrosity that is me at the moment.

Um I think it was Xai - Liiric

" Oop oh ok let me call him real quick" I say while I hang up Now I know who to kill let me call this dumbass.

Hello - Xaimon

I clear my throat before I start " Um excuse Mr. Sir who the hell gave you permission to grab clothes from my awkward years well my slightly more awkward years. This shit DONT even match did you do the damn pick clothes blindfolded challenge shit or something. Unbelievable Un Fucking  Believable you know I expect this from a two years but not you. Anywhore thank you for getting me these clothes even if they ugly ass hell I appreciate you doing this love you and bye".

I hang up not even getting Xaimon time to say anything else.

I walk out the bathroom and glare and Niccy when he starts laughing.

" Who packed your clothes " he finally asked out of breath when he's finally done laughing.

" Dude shut up I don't even wanna talk about all that did the nurse clear you to go home right now though" I ask packing up my overnight stuff.

" Yea they cleared me Tatsu is on the way now to pick us up " Niccy says getting up to get dressed.

I hear a knock and the door and open it. Tatsu comes through the door with Matteo.

" Hey y'all Matty whats wrong you look raggedy " I say.

Matty gives me a tired look and simply replies " Your sisters ".

" welp from the looks of you y'all had fun you still keeping them tonight right" I laugh nervously.

" Hehe yeah no I refuse" Matteo says flopping down on the hospital bed like he hasn't slept for days.

" Yes we will keep them this time we just no what to do and not hype them up on sugar" Tatsu says boredly scrolling through his phone.

" I'm ready let's go " Nicholai says finally coming out of the bathroom.

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