chapter eighteen » background replacement

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"Jesus fucking Christ, so is Michelle going to be okay?" Lauren asks

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"Jesus fucking Christ, so is Michelle going to be okay?" Lauren asks. "Like she's the background dancer and now they only got one left."

The girls and I were chilling back up in the hotel room. Mötley had left to go to the recording studio, so we thought we needed a girls day. We were all sitting on the couch outside, on the balcony. The view was still so beautiful in the day as much as the night. People were out, hanging and laughing with each other.

It made me think how it would be if I never meet the girls. I wouldn't be here. Where would I be? My parents are both dead and I wouldn't have anywhere to go. Maybe the streets were my home.

I placed both of my hands on my head, from thinking too much. "I think she will. She won't be able to dance for a while. Mötley's dance moves requires a lot of arm work to smother there bodies." I roll my eyes.

"Well then someone needs to take her place. Their next show is coming up in two days." Heather pipes up.

There was silence for a few seconds.

"I know. You." Sienna pointed directly at me.

I frown with a lot of confusion, "What?"

"You are gonna take her place." Sienna adds.

"Are you crazy. Why would I do that?"

"Because you can dance." She says. I tilt my head, "I've seen you. And I might've already said something to the boys that night." She widens her smile nervously, waiting for my response.

I knew exactly where this was going. I turned and deeply sighed. "I cannot handle the boys where I'm at now, especially when I'm going to be seeing them every second of my life having to be their little dancer pet." I got up and walked around.

"Besides, doing some background dancing for Crüe and having to do our set is going to wear me out too much." I added.

"Wow, harsh feelings from you." Heather laughs. "Mick and Tommy aren't bad."

"No, it's not them. It's Nikki.." The girls all looked at me with some confusion. "He's been over the rails lately and really testing my patience."

"I have noticed that. I wonder why he's doing all of this." Sienna says.

The girls continue to talk about it, whereas me, I sat back down on the couch. The phone started to ring, sitting on the table.

"Hello?" I answered softly, the caller being unknown.

"Hey babe, it's Vince." Vince spoke through the phone.

"Oh hey?" I was confused to why he called. He never does.

"You know? Vince Neil?" He playfully jokes. I rolled my eyes. This man. I could hear Uncle Mick in the background telling him to stop playing around.

"Yes blondie, I know who you are. Get on with it." I laughed.

"We need you to come down to the recording studio." He proceeds to say.

"What? Why?" I asked so curios.

"No questions, get your ass down here." He hangs up the phone before I could get another word in.

I remove the phone from my ear and couldn't help but to think why they wanted me. They better not want me to sing. My vocals are fucked. I turned to the girls and told them I had to go. We said our goodbyes and I ran in the room grabbing my belongings together.


I finally get to the studio and enter the door. I could hear the voice of the Crüe from afar. I saw through the glass of the studio room, the boys somewhat excited about something. Mick though, he was sat in a chair with his sunglasses on, straight faced. It brought a smile to my face. Classic Mick.

Right before turning the handle of the door, I overheard them more clearly.

"She's gonna love it out there." Nikki spoke with excitement in his voice. The others laughing along.

I opened the door and stepped in. They all turned to face me standing by the door. The attention of everyone's eyes gave me butterflies. I wasn't one for all the attention.

Breaking the silence I spoke out, "Who's going to love what, and where?" I was confused.

Vince chimed in, "You are going to be our replacement for our injured background dancer."

I stood there shocked, "Excuse me? Do I even get a say in this?"

Mick stood up with a struggle, from his chair. "I told them to bring it on lightly to you, but they don't like taking advice as you can tell." He rolled his eyes.

I couldn't help but giggle. My face expression changed as I focused back onto the subject.

"Sienna said you were a good choice and a good dancer." Nikki admitted, folding his arms.

"Of course she did." I rolled my eyes. "This isn't going to happen, sorry guys. I don't have the energy to preform my set, then dance my ass off for youse."

Vince's eyebrows raised and his mouth opened ready to say something cheeky. I lifted my arm up, making him stop from what his comment was to be.

"See, I told youse. She's too nervous to show how bad of a dancer she really is." Nikki turns to grab a beer. His voice was dull but sarcastic at the same time. He knows that's sets me off.

"Nikki-" Tommy tries to stop Nikki.

"No it's okay, Tommy. I'll do it. I'm no shit dancer babe."

It was on.

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