chapter fifty » drugs talking

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We eventually got back to the hotel, after having to stop a few times due to me feeling like I needed to throw up a few times

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We eventually got back to the hotel, after having to stop a few times due to me feeling like I needed to throw up a few times. Luckily I didn't end up doing so.

Nikki and I entered my hotel room. I headed over to make a strong coffee, while Nikki flopped down on the couch.

I watched him pull out a cigarette between me making my coffee. I took a sip of my coffee and sighed in relief to have something other than alcohol enter through my body.

I noticed Nikki light his cigar and take a few puffs of it.

I paused and stared at him with a squinted face. It takes him a few to realised I was doing so.

"What?" He spoke, uncaringly.

I raised my eyebrows, "Cigarettes aren't exactly allowed in the rooms."

He still didn't seem to care as he replied with a mhm.

"Ok, well if we get in trouble, it's all on you."


I stood still again, adding more of a grasp to my mug.

"Ok, I'm going to bed." I spoke aloud as I washed my mug in the sink. "You can let yourself out and-"

A thud was heard from another room. I turned back around and noticed Nikki had disappeared. I frowned, confused.

I scanned around the living room, then it came to me.
I walked over to my bedroom and there he was. Sprawled out on my bed.

"Nikki, what are you doing. I have to go to bed." I tugged at the sheets.

I noticed a smirk was on his face again.

"So do I" He replies.

"No.. No, no, no!" I raised my voice slightly. "You are not sleeping here in my bed."

"Come on." He rests his head on his hand that's helped up by his arm.

I hold the sheet as I stare at him. He does the same back. All of a sudden he remarkably moves fast towards me and pulls me to him.

It happened so fast, it startled me and even made me scream a little. I fell right into his chest and we both laughed. I propped myself up from his chest. We both looked into each other's eyes for a solid minute. I could feel my checks burn up. My heart beat became more heavy and fast. I've almost forgotten what it was like to be this close with Nikki alone.

I was struggling to find something to say, right before Nikki had. Thank goodness.

His hand raised up with something small in it. I look over, as I'm still half on top of him. It was a small clear bag with white powder in it. It wasn't a lot but I knew the slightest would do the worst to you. And that worst was heaven.

He must've seen the glow in my eyes when I looked at it, as he laughed. I got off of him and he sat back up.

"Would you like some?" He asked softly.

I hesitated, but I also knew I really could use some.

"I don't know how you did it, but I can't say no it it no longer." I replied.

That was his reassurance that I wanted some.

Right before my band and I were doing as well as were are now, I despised drugs. But that's all changed now. It's not all bad, I mean it makes you feel so good.

"Not too much though, please." I had to tell him. Otherwise I will lose control of my self and god knows what my horny side will want to do right now.

He sets it all up and I hop off the bed to the bedside table to snort it up. It stung at first and I squinted my whole face from it. But after a few seconds I was fine and left with a bit of a tingling sensation. Nikki followed after me and had a way better reaction than me. He does it way more often than I do.

I left myself fall back onto the bed, and then nothing...


I woke up the next morning, with a strong morning light beaming through the windows of my room. I was there, laying on my bed, one leg in the sheets and the other out. My hair felt of a birds nest as I felt it.

My memories from last night were a little blurry. I couldn't remember too much. I looked around the room as I laid there still. I looked out the window once my eyes were adjusted enough to the beautiful view. People were already out and about. I smiled a little for no reason to it.

I then slowly turned to me left and my smile completely disappeared.

"AH!" I almost fell out of bed.

Nikki laughed as he laid there on his side, right next to me. He must've woken up round about when I did.

I completely had forgotten about him. I touched and looked down at my body to check if my clothes were still on.

"Nothing happened. You passed out about 10 minutes after taking the drugs." His morning voice spoke.

I was sat there in the bed not knowing exactly what to say.

Knocking was heard at my door along with. "Tara, are you okay?" Lauren spoke out from the other side.

My eyebrows raised and my eyes widen. I jumped out of bed and onto my feet, then straight to the door to make sure Lauren wouldn't enter and see Nikki in my bed. How the fuck would I ever explain it.

"Um, yeah! I'm fine." I spoke back aloud, holding the door ready for anything.

I heard hear footsteps fade away from my room and turned around, back against the door and took a deep breath in.

"What are we, 12?" Nikki joked.

I frowned at him, "You can go now. You were supposed to be gone last night."

"Hm, last night you were begging me not to go right before you passed out." He smiled as he got up from the bed and fixed his hair in the mirror.

"Oh.. no. I didn't did I..?" I sighed.

"Oh you did alright." He laughed a little.

"Well it was the drugs talking." I trailed my eyes elsewhere.

I didn't know how to act. Or what to say. This is so weird right now.

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