chapter twenty-three » unsureness

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The show had finally finished and I was so exhausted

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The show had finally finished and I was so exhausted. My legs were really tired and weak. Jen and I had run back to our dressing room to freshen up.

After freshening up, I invited her back to the hotel room that the Crüe and my band had made it back to already. As I opened the door and allowed Jen to enter first, everyone in the room cheered surprised to her showing up. I closed the door behind me, slipped off my shoes, and went off to grab some drinks for Jen and I.

I checked the kitchen to see if anyone was there, but there was no one. I grabbed to glasses and filled them both with jack and coke, except I made mine very strong. Just a one time thing. I was proud of my achievement tonight.

As I walked back over to give Jen her drink, I looked around to find a seat to sit at but there were none left. I looked over to where Nikki was sitting. He was laying back on the couch, talking to Tommy who looked like was boring Nikki. I decided I would walk over there and sit on Nikki's lap, forgetting about what I was still wearing. It took Nikki by surprise as I do so and placed my arm around his neck, with my drink in my other hand. Even Tommy was surprised.

"What are we discussing, boys?" I spoke with a tipsy voice.

Tommy couldn't help but laugh at me.

"Your drunk." Nikki laughed.

I looked over to him, "I'm not drunk Sixx. I'm just a little tipsy and.." I had stopped my sentence. My next word of choice was a bit embarrassing. Luckily I stopped myself, but I think Tommy and Nikki knew exactly what I was about to say next.

They both laughed and Tommy followed it with, "Dude, you're so horny aren't you, Tara."

Tommy almost yelled it out to everyone nearby.

"Shut up Tommy!" I couldn't help but start to blush in front of them.

They laughed again and Tommy gave a look to Nikki. I could feel the tiredness slowly catch up to me. I needed to rest my head, so I leaned down and rested onto Nikki's chest. He was surprised by this choice of movement as well, but place his hand on my head.

I could hear the quiet chats between him and Tommy for a while.
Tommy finally suggested if I should be put to bed, and Nikki agreed.

Nikki got up and picked me up bridal style. I readjusted my head and placed my left hand on his right shoulder. He walked over towards my room and somehow opened the door with his elbow. He then realised my bed had been completely taken up by Heather, Jen and Lauren. Why they were sleeping on my bed, I don't know.

I could hear a soft groan from Nikki. The only other place to sleep was his bed. So there we went. He opened his door and walked towards the bed. He softly laid me down on the huge bed and pulled the covers over me. As he turned to walk away, I was surprised. I sat back up and reached out to grab for his wrist.

He turned back to look at me, "You need to sleep. You're tired."

I shook my head and struggled to keep my eyes open, "No. No I need you."

He explained no back to me.

"Please Nikki, just sit."

He did as I asked and sat on the side of the bed, next to me. He looked into my eyes as I looked at his. I adjusted myself onto my knees. I wanted him finally. I wanted him so bad.

"Please.." I whispered innocently.

He looked down to the ground but I placed my left hand softly on his face and turned it to face me again. We looked into each others eyes for longer this time. I was confused to why he wasn't jumping all over me. I place my other hand onto his face. My eyes trailed down to his lips, then back up to his eyes. I noticed his lips quiver letting me know he was unsure. I let go of his face and backed down to sit again.

Taking me by surprise, Nikki goes in and kisses me. I kissed back almost immediately. The kiss grew more aggressive and was desperate. This is what we both wanted. Nikki soon pulled away from the kiss, leaving me still wanting more and him too. His face looked of regret.

I frowned, "Did I do something wrong?"

He shook his head. "We can't.."

He stopped his sentence short, leaving the both of us disappointed. He got up from the bed and walked out to his balcony. I sat on the bed for a few minutes thinking of any reason to why he won't just have me right now. I looked around the dark room and then looked out the window to where Nikki was standing out on the balcony, leaning on the rail.

I got up from the bed and walked toward the glass doors. I grabbed Nikki's leather jacket that was thrown over a seat in the corner of the room. I walked through the small gap of the glass doors and walked up to where Nikki was. He was looking out and around to the busy city not far from us. I decided I would be the first to break the silence.


Thank you to everyone for reading my story! I've taken another break thanks to the most annoying writers block. But I've got it all flowing through my head right now, so trying to write as much as I can before school starts in 2 days.

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