Takeout, Texts and Timings

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The following day...


It was nearing 12:00 and I had no current class to teach so I decided now would be the perfect time to get the takeout. I walked out of the school,through the car park and hopped in my car. I quickly messaged Jughead:

Hey now going to Pop's text your order within the next 10 minutes please ~B

The drive was only five minutes and soon enough I was there. As soon as I entered I got a message:

Hi my order is 2 burgers, fries and a chocolate shake please and thank you x ~J

I smiled at the message and felt myself blushing and then ordered our food to takeout. After a 10 minutes wait the food was ready but in that time I was still thinking back to the message. He'd sent a x now was he being friendly or flirty and why did I blush do I like him more than a co-worker.  I took the food and drove back to the school.


I knew it was risking sending an x in the message as I liked her but I don't know if she likes me and it would be kinda awkward dating your co-worker if she did. I knew I was over thinking and a knock on the Blue and Gold door snapped me straight out of my thoughts. I turned at looked at the door it was Betty standing there with a Pop's bag in her hand with a big smile on her face.

We ate and watched the student work on the newspaper before I  told Betty ill be back quickly and  popped to the staff room to get a donut because it was a tradition at our school. I then got my phone out too text Betty:

Hey I'm in the staff room want a donut??? ~J

Sure why not thanks x ~B

Be back in a minute xx ~J 

I quickly took two donuts from the box and made my way to Betty but I got stopped by Archie as I was heading out the door.

Bro are you really hungry or you giving one to a certain someone he said with a wink. No Arch I don't know what your on about now excuse me I said as I left.

Soon enough I made it back to the office and handed Betty her donut. We ate them quickly as the lunch break was ending and we had to get back to our classrooms. The students had gone to the printer and then we're going to head to their lessons but I waiting with Betty so she could finish her donut.

We then got up to walk to out classes when I spotted Betty had a little icing on her face from the donut. I let her know and she tried to get it off but she couldn't so I wiped it of her face and eyes locked gazing into each others it was a really romantic moment and we both leaned in about to share our first kiss until the bell went to get to class. We pulled away laughing and her blushing and walked backed to out classrooms for our next lessons. 

546 Words

Miss Cooper and Mr Jones ~BugheadWhere stories live. Discover now