The day before School starts

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  🌸🌸🌸Betty's POV🌸🌸🌸

It was the day before school starts but us teachers have to go in to get ready and we get our class lists. This year Juggie and I have the same year class at the same time which means lots of group projects as Veronica said they did really well last year.

I am a bit nervous in case there are more questions about Jughead and I's relationship but we have decided we will answer them truthfully unless they are inappropriate.

Also in this summer Jughead and I officially moved into my house together which I actually a lot easier than living across two houses like we were before.

*At school*

I was organising my classroom with the middle door open so I could see Jughead and make sure he wasn't just being lazy and playing video games on his phone when I got a flustered Veronica and a very excited Toni with a very excited Cheryl on video call come up too me.

'What's this all about?' I ask
wondering why Cheryl and Toni are excited and why Veronica is flustered. 'Can you tell Jughead to go please' Veronica whispered. 'Babe' I shouted 'Can you please get me pop's I'm hungry!' 'Sure' he shouted back.

'Right, now he's gone' Veronica started 'I might have a problem.' :What?' I asked. 'I think I'' Veronica said and Toni screamed and so did Cheryl through the phone screen. 'Ok we'll sort this is our later on our girls group chat but I really need to finish organising my classroom and then eat so see you guys later' I said.

And with that Jughead appeared 10 minutes later with pop's in his hand and we sat and ate our burgers together while I text the group chat:

B🌸:Hey V have you thought of a plan yet because I've got one if you haven't

V💍: no not yet what's your plan

B🌸: We go to yours for a girls night tonight and Archie goes to Jug and I's house then we go to the pharmacy and buy a test for you you take it and then we go from there.

V💍:Sounds like a plan

C💅:Yep I'm down

T📷:Good plan

K🌈:why did I not find out about this but if it's what I think it is am I gonna be an uncle!!!!!

V💍: Sorry I didn't tell you Kev and yes you might become and uncle depends on the results.

B🌸:V you tell Arch that we're having a girls night tonight and I'll tell Jug to have a bro night with Arch at our while we're at yours.

V💍: Yeah now on it

V💍: and it's set

B🌸:Set my side too see you guys later



T📷:See ya

490 Words

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