Day 1.

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1. The title of your project and the background behind the name

Well this an awkward way to start off because...I have no title. The "title" is 'that one where time stops and there's lots of philosophical looks at life' but that's a bit of a mouthful. For everything that has come before the title has usually come STRAIGHTAWAY, like I'm

One of these authors that's really good with titles but with this one...I need thinking space!

I guess the working title is "Behind The Scenes" and I guess I do have a story to tell with that one. (Yay! Story time!)

So it goes like this...once upon a time I was writing this really messy story, not quite sure what the hell I was doing. I knew that Gods were involved and I knew time travel was involved but I was basically writing random snippets of, mostly, romantic scenes. Then an idea struck, but it had nothing to do with time travel...for the while. The original title, "Behind the Scenes," didn't fit as much anymore so I ditched the title, ditched the POV character and started anew with some fun, insane gods.

I guess you're wondering which book this is? Well *wiggles eyebrows* you'll just have to see. It's fun. As for Behind the Scenes (or, the title, at least), it became a bit of a placeholder for my up-in-the-air-time-travel-KINDOF-novel.

So it's not "Behind The Scenes"'s...I'll get back to you...

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