Day 16.

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Day 16: Describe any other books related to this one (prequel, sequel, spin off, knock off, etc).

This is actually a trilogy planned with another spin off/ sequel series. The sequel series would be what the Carlyles is to Gossip Girl or what the Infernal Devices is to Mortal Instruments--not the same but intertwined.

The original trilogy will continue to follow OK and be in her POV until the very end, then the next series will pick up with the POV of a younger boy who is also immune. His story is much less focused on the acceptance of time and reality/ fighting the terrorist organization and more focused on him getting away from the government and trying to save himself from people out to get him. It would be a lot more sci-fi then the last series too (yay, sci-fi!) It would also have less romance then the first trilogy so would probably be much more of a boys book. (Yay, no romance!) There will be romance though and the organizations will still be involved, although the one he gets involved with is neither LOFT nor the Revs.

The outlines for the two other books in the first trilogy have not been written (because I'm lazy) but basically the second one takes a very different turn from the first and follows Ryker and OK on a long roadtrip. And a lot of good characters turn bad. And that's all I'll say. The third one ends with probably the randomest scene on this planet. It's the sort of scene that makes people throw their books across the room and rant about on tumblr. Yeah...I can't imagine it sitting well with many people. But the follow up trilogy kind of makes up for it...not really. It's a fun scene though, I'll tell you that ! One that'll really get everyone talking!

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