Day 6.

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6-Main Villain Bio

Meredith Fox is a twisted creature. Sensual and sadistic, she's the leader of LoFT--the League of Future Times. She uses people like tissues and throws them away like less; her natural charms win people over into her snake pit of deception, lies and greed. Her ultimate goal is to control the country, to control the world, but for now she's working on controlling the Time Stops.

Meredith looks like a fallen angel with blood red hair, slit-like eyes and a huge chest. Her stare can pierce amour and her words are acid. She is ruthless and open about it, her power and her hunger for power as plain as her sensuality. She can change masks as easily as changing clothes and she doesn't care who she hurts in her wake. She's a tactical leader, though, so you'll never quite know what she's doing until she's done it (or maybe 35 minutes later).

Meredith has many vices including smoking, drinking and trapping young men in her purpose built web. Although she has her many victims, Kaine is her favorite and the one that actually means something to her. She trained him from a young age and once he was old enough to appreciate her charms, she took him in more ways then one. She enjoys abusing him almost as much as she enjoys using him, although she understands how vital he is to the LoFT cause. For that reason, she let's him have a small amount of freedom. When she needs to influence some of her bigger and better clients, she give them Kaine and let them have him for a few days. She knows how to play the game and she knows that he's a very, very attractive boy.

Meredith is the fantasy to Oksana's reality. Meredith is firmly planted in the clouds, her visions of power and control like a real world to her.

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