Haru x Jealous!Male!Reader [Secrecy]

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Requested by angggggsbbs!

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[Y/n's P.O.V.]

Haru Okumura. I knew her from my school, we're both third-years. We've also known each other since early in grade school, but I don't think anybody's been able to acknowledge that. 

First of all, her father thinks we're too close, considering she has a fiance. I asked her about him once, and I learned she doesn't think too greatly about him. 

"Sugimura?" She asked, making sure we were talking about the same person. She grits her teeth. "My father only wants what's best for him and his business, I can't remember the last time when he thought about what I wanted."

I couldn't care less about her father. After becoming a Phantom Thief, I now knew that I could change his heart and rid it of his distortions, which, of course, directed me to talk to Haru.

I walked along the roof, where the school garden was kept. "Haru!" I yell halfway up the stairs upon seeing her lugging around a pack of soil. "Do you need any help with that?"

She smiles sweetly. "Thanks for offering, but I'm fine."

I look into her eyes. They have a look in them that tells me she's keeping something away from my reach. She's about to turn away, but I grab her wrist to stop her. "Haru, is something wrong?"

Her breath hitches and she stares wearily at the ground. I can see her trying out different words, pulling a lie straight out of the blue. "Just my father again," She says, and I can hear her tone of voice going higher and higher. "Nothing you need to worry about," She adds, though she's certainly aware that I will not stop worrying. 

Later that night I met up with the rest of the Phantom Thieves. 

"Morgana still hasn't returned, right?" Futaba asks, Akira replying by shaking his head no. The group falls into an unfamiliar silence. "Well, we've got to keep searching, don't we?"

"I think," I say, my voice chiming into the calm quiet, "That we should focus on Okumura. That probably sounds selfish..." They collectively nod. "But if Morgana thinks he's better without us we should probably respect that."

"Well then," Makoto perks up, "Should we head in?"

And with that, the MetaNav is opened and used to enter Okumura's palace. It looks industrial, full of complex technology and metal plating. 

It hadn't been too long since we first entered when we already ran into a problem; And that problem being Morgana. 

"Morgana?!" Ann exclaims. 

"Yep!" He replies, nearly cackling. 

"What are you doing here?" I ask. 

He grins. "Stopping you!"

Ryuji's voice is added to the mix. "What the hell?"

Another person steps up beside him, her auburn hair shadowed by a dark cavalier hat. That's not right, no, that's not right at all. 

I step out in front of the rest of the Phantom Thieves, staring up at this mysterious woman. 

"Y/n?" She questions. "I mean, uh, we will take the treasure!"

Morgana hisses orders at her while she continues to stumble over her words. "I am the Beauty Thief! The justice of- wait, no, the heroine of justice! We will take the treasure!"

"Didn't you already say that?" Futaba inquires, clearly irked by the manner of the 'Beauty Thief.' Morgana scoffs and scolds us, but I can't focus on anything but the Beauty Thief. She is indeed beautiful, but I can't shake the feeling that her beauty has been seen by my eyes in the real world. 

That's it, I think, I'm going to figure out who this is. If I'm right, then...

"Beauty Thief!" I shout, my voice breaking through the bickering that surrounded all of us. "How far have you gotten into the palace?"

"N- not too far," She utters, "But that's why I'm going to beat you to getting the treasure! I will go further than you!" She walks to the door and places her hand on it, and it opens slowly unfortunately revealing plentiful amounts of robots. 

"Run!" A few of us collectively shout, not even bothering to pace ourselves as we ran full-speed out of the palace. 

We huff, catching our breath as we come back right where we started. Now in the group is Haru, proving my theory correct. 

"Haru, why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She mirrors. 

I sigh heavily. "I'm sorry, I should have told you from the start, but I didn't know how you'd handle it, so I didn't say anything."

"That's my reason, too," She replies shyly. "Now that that's out of the way, um, can we-"

"No, it's not out of the way," I interrupt, my tone sharp. "We've been friends for so long, I thought I trusted you!"

Akira's hand finds its way to my shoulder, suddenly reminding me that Haru and I aren't the only people here. "Y/n, don't be a hypocrite," He states, "You kept this from her, too."

My fists clench. "I didn't want to keep it from her!"I announce. 

"I didn't want to keep it form you either, Y/n." She pauses. "I love you, and I wanted to tell you everything, and I did all I could to restrain myself but I only ended up hurting you in the end. I'm sorry."

I hug Haru. "You have no excuse to be sorry, because I have the exact same reasons as you. I love you too, Haru."

Simultaneous 'Aww's can be heard from behind, and I want to yell at everyone for eavesdropping, but hesitate. 

"Never keep secrets away from me again, Haru."

She smiles gently into my shoulder, finally returning my hug. 

"I have no reason to."

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I nearly gave up writing this 300 words in, I couldn't think of anything but I didn't want to give up on you angggggsbbs, so I kept writing and pulling through. So I guess now we know that I struggle with impersonating Haru in oneshots, uh, yeah. 

I finished all my requests, though! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee gamer! Requests are still open so please request I have no inspiration fbgohbsjrhsr.

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