Ryuji x Birthday!Reader [Feelin' Special Today]

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Requested by juminhans! I really wish I could have published this sooner, but I just got a ton of writer's block and my brain was like- on crack and thinking of the weirdest scenarios. I should mention you're a Phantom Thief but there wasn't any use for this in this oneshot, just mainly for the team and Morgana's sake. Anyway, enough from me, enjoy the oneshot!


[Y/n's P.O.V.]

I stretched my arms as I woke up, much later than I usually do. From that alone, I can tell I'm off school today, so it must be the weekend. From the nightstand on my side, I can hear my phone vibrating loudly, distracting me in my drowsy state. 

I check the time first. 9:00 A.M. Not as late as I thought, but still decent. Next, I check the notifications that still increased as I was trying to read them. Most of them were from my friends, Akira, Ann, Ryuji, and Yusuke, but I had a few others as well. All of them, though, had two words in common:

Happy Birthday!

I stood up from my bed as I continued reading all the texts. 

Hey Y/n, still planning on meeting us?
Sheesh, give her some time!
I'm just asking!
We planned a few things for you btw
I don't think you were supposed to tell her...
I wasn't? Dammit!
Y/n, just ignore everything above and text when you want to start.

I quietly laughed at all my friend's antics then tapped my phone screen to reply. 

How about we meet up at 11? I need a bit of time to get ready and then chill, I guess.

So AM or PM?

Y/n:Ryu, I swear to god-

Oh? You have nicknames for each other?

Yeah, why..?

No reason.
You never answered his question, Y/n.

You two are such idiots. 

This is proof girls are smarter.

[Virtually mocks Ryu and Akira]

I feel offended.
Are you insulting me as well?


Nah, you're good.


Anyway, see you guys at 11!


I pocketed my phone and quickly got dressed into a casual outfit, hoping that this would do and that they didn't somehow manage to get us someplace fancy again; This thought mainly directed at Ann because of her modeling career. 

I heard a buzz and took out my phone again, noticing the screen's imminent brightness with a text from my parents. Hey sweetie, sorry we couldn't be home tod- I didn't even finish reading. They're always busy, but you'd think they would be able to negotiate their work hours for their daughter's birthday, right? Not my parents. 

Nonetheless, I shook it off. Today's barely different than other days, I'm just a year older and that's it. I'm still meeting up with my friends, though, and I'm sure the fun I have with them will push away the rest of any negative thoughts. My phone buzzes again, catching me just before I completely zoned out. 

Meet up at LeBlanc?

Sure, just make sure everyone else reads that

11 comes quicker than I had anticipated. By the time it was 10:30 I barely had enough time to fix up my appearance and eat a very small breakfast that consisted of toaster waffles and the donut left on the table just for me. I grab my wallet and house key, locking the door behind me and taking the nearest train to Yongen-Jaya. 

One short and noisy train ride later, I stood in front of LeBlanc, where I was greeted by Morgana, who sat right in front of the door. 

"Happy birthday Y/n-Chan!" He chirps, causing me to smile. 

"Thank you Mona," I say, squatting down and picking up the cat- err... Cat-like form, then opening the door to the café.

The first thing one would notice is that all the lights are off, and the second would be Yusuke evidently leaning on a wall in the corner. 

I chuckle under my breath. "Guys, you're so bad at this-"

Just as I'm about to continue my insult, Sojiro walks in and flicks on the lights, revealing everybody in their hiding spots. 

"Uhhhh," Ann utters, holding her party popper with a dumbfounded expression, "SURPRISE!" She shouts, releasing the confetti into the air with a short 'pop!' causing me to flinch slightly. Morgana, still in my arms, swats at the colored scraps of paper. I must have looked very unimpressed because Ann quickly the party popper at Ryuji and yelled: "IT WAS HIS IDEA!" Which earned a nod from Akira and Yusuke. 

"You guys better clean up this mess once you're done," Sojiro grumbles before walking behind the counter. 

I laugh again, "Thank you guys so much!" I set Morgana down and hug Ann, then motion my hand to call someone else over. "Ryuji get over here."

"Huh? Why?"

"What do you mean 'why?'" I ask, letting go of Ann to embrace Ryuji alone. "It was your idea, after all. Thanks for planning this."

"Y- Yeah, no problem," He replies in a stutter, hugging me back. 

"He was really nervous that you wouldn't like it," Yusuke adds, still where he was when I first arrived, "Especially since there were only two presents."

"You guys got presents?" I ask, finally letting go of Ryuji. "You're so sweet!"

Ryuji clears his throat. "Yeah, they're over there," He says, pointing to a table in the back of the café. I check over to where he points, where a nicely wrapped present and a messily put together bag. Seeing them right next to each other really makes you realize the contrast between the two. 

I opened the nicely wrapped one first, to find a framed, well-painted portrait of me, which I assumed was from Yusuke. I then opened the bag and found two things: A rose and a letter. Inside the letter was a short envelope, and if the messy handwriting wasn't enough for me to tell, one of the people among us was bright red in the face. 

I looked back over to the blonde. "Ryuji is this..?"

"U- Um... Sorry if it's weird on your birthday-"

"No, I think it's cute!"

"I just want to make your birthday feel a bit special," Ryuji says, scratching the back of his neck. 

I smile at him. "Every day feels special with you."

"You two are so cute together already," Morgana chimes. 


Please help why did this take so long- Anyway, I really hope you liked it and happy belated brithdayOH GOD THERE'S A SPIDER ON MY WALL

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