Makoto x Male!Reader [Pay Attention!]

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Requested by angggggsbbs!

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[Y/n's P.O.V.]

I rested my chin lazily in the palm of my hand, struggling to pay attention during class. The teacher was going on and on about something history-related, which wasn't my best subject, and I refused to accept the fact that not paying attention wasn't doing me any good. 

"L/n! Pay attention!" The teacher yells, causing me to jolt up slightly from my seat. "Next time I catch you zoning out it'll be after-school detention for you!"

I nod and begin to concentrate. Or at least I do my best to look like I am. How was I supposed to focus when so many different things were going on outside. First off, it was bright and sunny for the first time in days, and second, I honestly just wanted to look outside. I hate being stuck inside the school all the time. 

Finally, after what seems like forever, the bell rings, releasing me from this classroom which might as well be the bane of my existence. I began to walk up the flight of stairs that led to the roof but was stopped by a hand wrapping around my wrist, pulling me back behind the first step. 

"Y/n L/n," The person addresses me, and I gulp.

"Y- Yes, Makoto?"

"You're not allowed up on the roof after the events involving Suzui-San. Even if it's for a breather during lunch."

I nod. "Definitely, I understand. Can you... Can you let go of my wrist now?" I ask, becoming aware that her grip was tighter than before, leaving my wrist covered in red marks once she let go. 

"I also think you should pay attention during class," She states. "Don't think I didn't see you distracted, even after sensei scolded you."

"Why do you always seem to insist I'm a bad student?" I inquire, looking the student council president in her eyes. "Not paying attention isn't that bad considering what other people are doing during class."

She raises an eyebrow. "What other people are doing? Don't tell me-"

"Yeah, the girls in the back of the class are still on their phones. They're attached to those damn things, I swear."

"Aside from that, I think you need to get caught up in class." She takes a folder out from under her arm, and it's filled to the limit with papers. "These are all the assignments you haven't finished, I was asked to give them to you."

She drops the folder into my hands, and I can tell from the fact that it weighs a few pounds that I've missed a shit ton of work. I manage to move the folder into one hand to hold it up, while I roughly put the other hand up to my forehead. "You've gotta be kidding me!" I nearly yelled out of sheer irritation.

"I could help after school," She offers, sighing heavily. 

"Sure, thanks! See you then!" I wave, laughing to myself. "I can't believe how easily I agreed to that," I mutter. God, my grades must really be going downhill if even Makoto Niijima got concerned about them. I'm almost scared to see my current History grade. 

The rest of the day went by pretty quick; Just a bunch of classes I could actually concentrate and succeed in. The sun shone down brightly at the end of the school day, but unfortunately for me, I couldn't go and absorb that sunlight. I sighed and headed for the classroom Makoto and I agreed to meet up in. 

I opened the door to the classroom to be happily greeted by Makoto, who must have been waiting for me. I feel kind of bad for making her wait. "Do you have the work?" She asks, and I pull the folder out of my schoolbag. "Great, we're going to start with the older stuff, so we can work our way up from there."

I groan. "How long will this take?"

Makoto thinks for a minute, then glances back at me. "About a week and a half." My jaw drops agape. I really wish I had done all that work when I was supposed to. "At the most, I mean. If we work on it enough, we could probably get it done by Friday," She states, leaving me to think. Today is Monday, so that means five days or so. That's not too bad compared to a week and a half. "Shall we get started?" She asks, more of an offer, and I nod while I set down the folder on the table and sorting through the many sheets of paper within it. 

After many hours of work (because Author-Chan doesn't feel like putting in actual historical facts since she doesn't pay attention during class either-) at least a third of the work was done! I'm pretty sure I could slack off for a day so I could play some video games or something, maybe I'll-

My thoughts were interrupted by a harsh slap on the face. 

"Pay attention!" Makoto shouts. 

"Sorry, sorry," I apologize, rubbing the side of my face that had turned slightly red due to the contact. "What were you saying?"

Makoto sighs. "I was asking if you would mind going out with me sometime."

"L- Like, for food or..?"

"A date, Y/n. Sheesh."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I'll take you out on a date. Oh, and I promise I'll pay attention from here on out!"

"You should have been focusing from the beginning."

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Sorry about this being like, really bad. I posted a chapter on a different story that was absolutely amazing and attentive to detail but since then everything's just been garbage, like I actually sacrificed brain cells for that shit. 

I'll probably take a super short break, just a day or two, just to get my thoughts back together. In the meantime, feel free to request!

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