Akira x Reader [Protected?]

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[As told in 3rd Person P.O.V.]

"I am thou, thou art I," That was all that was ever said yet it changed so many lives, though nobody had yet said it would have been a horrid world without it. It didn't need to be said.

Akira Kurusu, the leader of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, currently a group of only three, had just finished off their first target. "Finished off" meaning only ridding him from the bounds of the school and having him admit his sins.

"We don't kill," they would have to explain later on, yet nobody has any idea of what is to come.

Back in real time, the school's students were still in shock that Kamoshida had confessed to his evil deeds, and it certainly traveled across the town quickly as well.

Akira turned his head and looked at his blonde friend. "I think we did well," He mutters.

"Yeah, for real!" Ryuji responds a bit loudly, causing Akira to give him a hushing glance. "Sorry," He mumbles moments later.

"Kurusu! Sakamoto!" Yells a female student just down the hall, her platinum blonde pigtails bouncing on her shoulders as she jogged down the hall, excusing herself for bumping into almost everyone trying to pass by.

"Lady Ann!" A voice perks up from inside Akira's bag.

"Hey Mona," Ann replies, gently resting her hand on Morgana's smooth, black fur, resulting in a purr. "Have you guys noticed how much the school's spirit has lifted now that that pervert is gone?"

"I don't think you still need to call him a pervert," Morgana says.

"Well, I'm still not calling him by name after what he did to Shiho! Or now that I know how he sees me!" Ann shivers, the image of her in a pink leopard bikini scarred into her memory.

Ryuji speaks up. "Well, it's over now anyway. I feel like we should have had a bigger celebration," He complains.

Akira sighs, listening to the two bicker while he looks out the hallway's windows.

Grey and rainy... I guess it could still be calming. Not the best to walk in, though.

Through the glass window's reflection, he sees a girl, one he recognizes for a few reasons. One being she sat next to him in class, the second made him worry a bit. He hadn't been sure since he only got a glance at the prisoners in Kamoshida's palace, but one of them was definitely her.

Akira stands up, walking to the girl as she shoves things into her locker. She turns around and jumps, surprised to see the one and only boy of rumor behind her, despite them being mutual friends.

"Hey Y/n," He says, lifting his hand a smidge as a sign of greeting. He gets a look at Y/n's eyes. They're red and puffy, and the dark bags underneath them were almost painful to look at. "You okay?"

Y/n's eyes begin to tear up, but she blinks them back and sniffs. "Yeah, I'm fine," She says, her voice cracking as she spoke. It was clear she was mentally cursing herself for being so weak.

"Are you sure? You look like you ne-"

"I don't care!" She snaps. "I look horrible, just like I do every day, it's just that today I feel horrible, too. Now leave me alone." Y/n swings bag over her shoulder and starts to walk away when Akira puts his hand on her shoulder in attempt to stop her. She lifts his fingers off her shoulder and runs away into the swarm of students.

Ann and Ryuji walk over to Akira, a look of sympathy plastered on their faces. "What was that about?" Ann asks.

Akira swallows. "I think we might have to work a bit harder to get the Kamoshida case finally over with."

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