Akechi x Reader [Keep You Safe]

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Sorry for being dead lol enjoy the chapter by the way I'm high on gummy worm skehe;awg

⇥ 𐄂 ⇤

[3rd Person P.O.V.]

"Who are we after again?" Y/n asked from the back of the Phantom Thieves, hands clasped casually behind her head. 

"Why d'ya always refer to it as that?" Ryuji asks, sounding slightly concerned about his fellow Phantom Thief's way of wording things. "Either way, it's two people this time. I think. Uh, Leader?"

Akira chuckled under his breath, "Yes, we're changing two people's hearts today. One of them is an abusive husband and the other is a girl who's been manipulating her friends to steal things for her. The girl is closer so we'll change her heart first. Everyone good with that?" In response, everyone nodded, fixing their posture before stepping onto the railways of Mementos. 

Each Phantom Thief filed into the van, the last two to enter being Akechi and Y/n. The two had known each other from Akechi's detective work, Y/n being a subordinate of sorts, possibly an assistan depending on how you looked at it. Despite talking mainly at their jobs only, Goro and Y/n got along quite well. 

"Y/n," The brown-haired male spoke up, "Is this still one of your first times into the metaverse?"

The girl in question nodded, "Yeah, I haven't been in here since I first got my persona. I haven't faught at all yet, but I'm sure I'll be fine, it'll probably come to me naturally, y'know?"

Although she had given such words of comfort, the poor detective still worried about her. Sure, the fighting had come easy for most of the members, but what if she was different? What if she got hurt? He shook the thought out of his head and stepped into the van where the others were waiting. She said she was fine, and if I know anything about Y/n, she always keeps her word. Let's hope that stays the same even now...

Not too long of a drive later, they had reached the manipulative girl, who looked a lot younger than they'd expected her to be. Most of them imagined her to be around their age, or maybe a first-year in high school, but she looked to be in her first year of middle school.

The girl had a sinister grin on her face, looking as though her sanity finally took a snap. "Do you guys... Like my knife? One of my friends... Got it for me... It's really useful..." She spoke slowly, drawing out every few words just a little. 

"Don't worry, everyone," Morgana spoke, "I can tell by the way she's holding it that she doesn't know how to use it properly, so if we just avoid her we should be fine."

A couple slashes from the girl and various attacks from the Phantom Thieves was all it took to change her heart. 

Immediately, Akechi jogged over to Y/n, where she had been fiddling with a small portion of cloth in her hands. It didn't take too long for the boy to realize that it was from her sleeve, seeing as how there was a bit of skin from near her elbow showing through. 

"Were you hurt?" Goro asked, sounding fairly concerned. He inspected the open area closer, taking notice of a rashy-red color.

"I'm fine. She managed to graze my skin, is all. Nothing's cut, though." Y/n looked into his glossy, uneasy eyes, grabbing his hand, gently pressing her thumb onto the back of his gloved hand. Upon hearing Futaba quickly shout her name, she let go with a smile and jogged off in the opposite direction. 

Akechi felt his lips tug into a smile, but let them fall, knowing you wouldn't have seen it. It would've been horrible if you'd gotten hurt, he loved you so much, he wouldn't stand to see it happen. He stared at the other phantom thieves for a second, before walking briskly back over to you, stopping you from reaching the van by grabbing your wrist. 

"Akechi?" You asked after giving a slight jolt of surprise, "Did you need something else or..?"

"Hey, Y/n... Promise me you won't get hurt?"

The girl frowned, looking rather bothered, though not as much as Akechi. "Goro, I can't promise that. Even going to the metaverse is risking my life."

Akechi looked taken aback. How had he not thought of that? Every time you come to mementos with him, he's puttng you in danger! A wave of guilt washed over him, and he did his best not to let it show, but the look you gave him told him he didn't try hard enough. 

"I'm sorry..." You mumbled, pulling the boy into a hug. He took a second to return the embrace, seeming hesitant, as if you were fragile as you were. He rested his chin in the crook of your neck, his arms around your waist. "But, can you promise me something?"

Akechi lifted his head from your shoulder, looking you in the eyes with sheer courage. "Anything."

"Can you keep me safe?"

He smiled, letting out a small chuckle. "Of course." He looked at your cheerful face, the thought of you causing him to drift out of focus. Subconsiously, he grabbed your hands and leaned in.

"Goro, what are you-" You started, but were cut off by his lips pressing onto yours. Your eyes were open in surprise, and once Akechi realized what he was doing, his were too. Yet, instead of pulling away, you closed your eyes and kissed back.

"I'll keep you safe, Y/n. You can count on it."

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Hoo boy look at that I've risen from the depths of hell. F un-

Updates will probably be really slow because one, I'm a lazy piece of shit, and two, school's starting up soon, so I won't have as much time to work on oneshots or books. That aside, I'm glad to still be updating, even if it takes a while. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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