Chapt II.

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[ Movie 2- Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ]

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[ Movie 2- Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ]

[ Chapter II. ]

I SIGHED AND LEANED BACK ON THE SEAT as I drove Sarah, Jake, Mark, and Mike with me between the cars of Dad and Bud, I was in my car since it got delivered last week. In front of me was Dad driving who had Mom, Nigel, Kyle, and Gunner. Bud and Nora had Kim, Jessica, and Henry with them meanwhile Lorraine and Charlie would arrive later to Lake Winnetka.

"We need to make a pit stop, alright?" I asked my younger siblings as we switched to a different lane 

"Why Jamie?" Mike asked me curiously and I looked at the rearview mirror to see him tilting his head a bit from where he sat

"Because the baby is pressing on my bladder," I told him causing Jake and Sarah to give me disgusted looks along with Mark

"Ew! Jamie, don't ever say that to us!" Sarah exclaimed to me making me laugh before I heard my phone ring 

"Mark, can you check who's calling? And if it's Mom or Nora, answer them." I said to my little brother as he dug through my bag

"Its Mom, hi Mom." Mark greeted Mom and Jake, Mike, Sarah, and I followed suit right behind him 

"Hi you guys, Jamie, why did you switch lanes?" Mom asked me in concern and I gripped the steering wheel tightly

"Nothing serious Mom, it's just, I have to pee," I mumbled quietly as I could feel my face heating up in embarrassment 

"You have to what Jamie? I can't hear you." Mom said over the phone and I sighed, shifting a bit before parting my lips to answer her

"She has to pee Mom!" Sarah snapped at Mom and I widened my eyes at how blunt she told Mom 


"You guys, we're almost there now," I informed my siblings as I followed the instructions that Mark was reading out from the map

"Finally, this was one long road trip," Jake muttered from where he sat behind the passenger seat 

"I told you guys that we were going to take breaks, you four didn't believe me." I reminded my younger siblings as I took a right and followed the pathway 

"That was our mistake, it won't happen again." Sarah firmly stated causing me to look at her through the rearview mirror 

"So you don't want rides to places? Got it. Look, I see Bud's car." I quickly changed the subject before Sarah could object

"Wow, this place really changed," I mumbled quietly to myself as I spotted the old lake house while I parked the car 

"It's a dump. Look at it." Sarah commented as she opened the door and I continued to stare at the lake house in shock

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