Chapter III.

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[ Movie 2- Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ]

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[ Movie 2- Cheaper by the Dozen 2 ]

[ Chapter III. ]

I GLARED AT MY DAD THROUGH my sunglasses since he woke up Mom, Bud, Nora, and me early. I was just grateful I was still wearing my blue robe along with a long white t-shirt and black shorts though instead of wearing slippers or sandals, I was wearing my black converse and black socks. I sighed to myself and leaned back on my seat with the plate being balanced over my stomach. 

"Rise and shine! Daylight's burning! It is breakfast at Baker's, day one!" Dad yelled loudly as Mom rang the bell 

"Come on, sleepyheads." Mom said as Sarah, Jessica, Kim, and Mark started to come out blinking tiredly

"Is there a particular reason that we're eating breakfast outside?" Kim asked Mom just as Mike, Henry, and Jake with Nigel and Kyle came out as well

"Yes." Mom answered her but she didn't give an explanation to her making Kim look at Dad who was waving a spatula around

"'Cause it's a beautiful day here at Lake Winnetka," Dad said as he gestured his arms widely to the lake house and lake

"Dad, it's supposed to a vacation and in vacations, we can sleep in." I reminded my dad before Mark handed me a glass of orange juice

"Hey, guys! Hey, there's the rest of the clan! Come on! Hey, guys! Hey, guys, look! Come on!" Dad urged my siblings down the steps while carrying a large bowl to Charlie and Lorraine who barely arrived

"Hey! Welcome to the land o' plenty!" I heard Dad yell and I went to eat my eggs as Nora went to stand up to get more food 

"Hey, you guys!" Nora greeted Charlie and Lorraine happily while I gave them a tired wave as I continued to eat

"Okay, big breakfast, everybody, so you have enough room for family activities," Dad told everyone excitedly as he started to walk up the steps with everyone else behind him

"Family activities?" Both Nora and I asked him in confusion as we stared at one another before looking at Dad

"Absolutely--apple shmear, fishing off the dock for big daddy, hanging up the tire swing, getting out the diving board." Dad listed off causing my eyes to widen in shock

"I was gonna go boating with Elliot."

"And Kenneth has video games."

"Jessica and I were gonna use the Murtaugh's internet hookups so that we could research for the Academic Decathlon."

"Precisely. We need the extra hours."

Jake, Mark, Kim, and Jessica all responded to Dad after one another making me hide my smile. I placed the plate on the table and went to get up with the help of Mom causing me to give her a smile. I went to pour more juice on my glass as I heard Dad gasp in shock at their words.

A BAKER'S LOVE | CALVIN MURTAUGH²Where stories live. Discover now